How to rent a field
APD parks are open to the general public from dawn to dusk. Locate the type of field you wish to rent and follow the instructions on obtaining a permit.
Return all request forms, insurance certificates and rosters to:
Anderson Park District
Attn: Fields
6915 Beechmont Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45230
Contact: Scott Lahman, (513) 388-4512
Fax: (513) 388-2494
Soccer Practice Field Rental
Fields are rented for an hourly fee consistent with the APD fees and charges and will be posted with the soccer practice request form.
All organized field use requires a written permit. To obtain a permit:
Grass Field or Diamond Rental
Fields are rented for an hourly fee consistent with the APD fees and charges.
Field use assignments are determined by the number of teams, participants, and the percentage of Anderson Township residents participating in the league. Residents are given priority for field use.
Starting and ending rental times vary based on field/park locations and season. Additional information can be found in the field use policies.
All organized field use requires a written permit. To obtain a permit:
All Weather Fields Rental
Rental times are Sunday-Saturday, 6 a.m.–11 p.m. Fields are rented for an hourly fee consistent with the APD fees and charges.
All Weather Fields use require a permit. To obtain a permit: