Kellogg Park Dog Field Permits
Dogs must have a current permit to enter the dog field.
How to Get a Kellogg Park Dog Field Permit and Pass Card
Why Are Permits Required?
Owners and their dogs may use any of the Anderson Parks, free of charge, as long as the dog is properly leashed (excluding various posted event areas). Many park visitors, however, choose to pay a fee for the Kellogg Park Dog Field where their dogs can run off leash in the designated exclusive use area.
The Anderson Park District has a permit process and assesses a fee for use of this exclusive use facility. The purpose is to ensure that all dogs are properly vaccinated, that owners know and respect the rules governing use of the park, and to off-set administration and maintenance costs for the exclusive use area. Charging for exclusive use is in line with the Anderson Park District’s Fees and Charges policy that was initially adopted in 1997. Simply stated, if a group wishes to reserve a facility or field for exclusive use, the group must pay for a permit that entitles them to exclusive use. The Kellogg Park Dog Field is reserved for permit holders and their dogs only. Since the taxes that Anderson Township residents pay help subsidize a portion of this use, resident discounts and non-resident fees are included in the Fees and Charges policy.
Dog Field Newsletter
Helpful tips for using the Kellogg Park Dog Field