Adopt-A-Tree Search
Adopted trees and markers at Beech Acres, Juilfs, Kellogg, Riverside and Veterans Parks can be located using the search feature below. You can also search for available/open trees to adopt. Clear Creek and Johnson Hills Parks will be added soon!
At times, trees may be removed due to damage or disease. The park district recently had to remove a few trees at Juilfs Park and hope to get new trees planted in the months to come.
How to search
Using the search box below, enter a name or any words from the inscription of the marker you’d like to find. Search results will provide the tree number and link to the park map and section of the tree’s exact location.
Available adopt-a-trees can be found by typing open and park name (Beech Acres, Juilfs, Kellogg, Riverside or Veterans).
Questions or trouble finding a marker? Call (513) 388-5091.
Ackley, Walt and Betty | In Memory of Walt and Betty Ackley | Juilfs Section 5 | 558 | Pin Oak |
Adams, Dotty and Gene | In Memory of Dotty & Gene Adams 2001 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 258 | Red Sunset Maple |
Adamson, David | In Memory of David Adamson 2010 | Beech Acres Section 4 | 401 | Red Oak |
Albers, Tom | In Memory of Tom Albers "Big Guy" Father, Grandfather Friend 2015 | Juilfs Section 4 | 407 | Red Oak |
Alfieri, Rick | In Memory of Rick Alfieri 2008 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 223 | Sycamore |
Alfieri, Rob | In Loving Memory of Rob Alfieri 2022 | Beech Acres Section 4 | 414 | Honey Locust |
Allie | Allie And Miles To Go Before I Sleep 2006-2020 | Riverside Section 1 | 148 | Crimson King Maple |
Alyssa & Zachary | A Life Wihout You Is A Life Without Love. Alyssa & Zachary 2021 | Juilfs Section 6 | 627 | Eastern White Pine |
Amelia and Clara | In Honor of Our Daughters, Amelia and Clara. Always Remember: You Are Brave. You Are Strong. | Beech Acres Section 1 | 147 | Honey Locust |
Amorati, Carlo | In Loving Memory Carlo Amorati 1934-2019 | Beech Acres Section 4 | 406 | Sycamore |
Amorati, Joan | In Loving Memory Joan Amorati 1934-2013 | Beech Acres Section 4 | 406 | Sycamore |
Anderson, Jennifer | In Memory of Jennifer Anderson 1998 | Juilfs Section 5 | 557 | Red Maple |
Anderson, Jack | In Memory of Jack Anderson 2015 "A Gentle Man" | Juilfs Section 5 | 557 | Red Maple |
Andre Sr., Pierre | Pierre Andre Sr. In Loving Memory 1935-2021 | Juilfs Section 4 | 457 | Autumn Blaze Maple |
Andre', Louis | Louis Andre' Rock On 1956 - 2009 | Juilfs Section 1 | 146 | Silver Maple |
Andre', Pauline | Pauline Andre' | Juilfs Section 1 | 146 | Silver Maple |
Andreadis, Titus | Titus Andreadis 2007 - 2016 Companion, Family Member, Friend | Beech Acres Section 3 | 306 | Sugar Maple |
Andrews, Jean | In Memory of Jean A Andrews Green Grubbers Garden Club 2011 | Juilfs Section 1 | 179 | Northern Red Oak |
Armentrough, Blaze | In Loving Memory of Blaze Buck Armentrough 1998 | Juilfs Section 5 | 550 | American Hornbeam |
Armstrong, Edward | In Loving Memory Edward Armstrong 7/6/1965 - 12/28/2021 | Veterans Park | 24 | Bur Oak |
Armstrong, Emily | Emily Armstrong Assistant Director/Board Clerk, Recreation Director, Recreation Manager, Community Services/Concessions Director, Program Coordinator, Summer Camp Supervisor, Summer Rec Leader, Front Desk Personnel, Camp Counselor, Volleyball Line Judge Years of Service: 1990-2024 | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 70 | Sycamore |
Armstrong, John | John Armstrong "Pop" Job Well Done! Forever In Our Hearts Love You Pal! 1939-2020 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 174 | Autumn Blaze Maple |
Arnett, Danielle | Danielle Arnett "Ella" "Danie" 8/15/91 - 2/28/15 Loved Beyond Measure Missed Beyond Words | Juilfs Section 1 | 104 | October Glory Maple |
Ash, Bob and Jeannette | Trees in Gratitude Bob and Jeanette Ash Grandparents October 2013 | Juilfs Section 4 | 423 | Eastern Redbud |
Aspinall, Erik | In Loving Memory of Erik J. Aspinall 1996-2023 Beautiful Boy | Beech Acres Section 1 | 129 | Shagbark Hickory |
Atkinson, David | In Memory of David A. Atkinson 2005 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 258 | Cleveland Select Pear |
Ayer-Washington Park | Growing Together Ayer-Washington Park 1998 1999 2000 | Veterans Park | 31 | Perennials |
Ayer-Washington Park | Growing Together Ayer-Washington Park 1997 | Veterans Park | 30 | Burning Bush |
Ayer, Kathleen | In Memory of Kathleen Sue Ayer May 2, 1950 - July 25, 1970 Class of 1972 | Juilfs Section 6 | 611 | Willow Oak |
Badger, Andrew | Andrew Lide Badger 1964 - 2015 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 230 | Maple |
Bahar, Laura A. | In Memory of Laura A. Bahar 1954-2022 Daughter, Wife, Mother, Nana, Nurse, Friend | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 236A | Black Tupelo |
Bailey, Brenda | In Loving Memory of Brenda Bailey 2003 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 215 | Swamp White Oak |
Barnhorst, Verne | "Live The Life You Imagined" Verne Barnhorst | Beech Acres Section 1 | 138 | Elm |
Barns, Howard | In Memory of Howard Barns 1997 | Juilfs Section 1 | 113 | Bald Cypress |
Barth, Ed and Lee | In Memory of Ed and Lee Barth | Beech Acres Section 2 | 257 | Cleveland Select Pear |
Bartholomew, Dale | Dale Bartholomew Board of Park Commissioners Years of Service: 1996-2016 | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 66 | October Glory Maple |
Bartholomew, Jacqueline | In Memory of Jacqueline Bartholomew 1937 - 2015 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 215 | Snow Drift Crabapple |
Basler, Curt | In Memory of Curt Basler 1/8/38 - 8/4/21 Ride The Wind | Beech Acres Section 1 | 175 | Sweetgum |
Bass, Linda | Linda L. Bass 4-8-1947 2-15-2022 Loving Daughter Photographer Artist | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 269 | Red Maple |
Bassett, Eileen | In Memory of Eileen Bassett 1998 | Juilfs Section 5 | 556 | Red Maple |
Bates, Erin | In Loving Memory Erin Marie Bates 2004 | Juilfs Section 4 | 432 | Scrub Pine |
Bayliff, Chloe | In Memory of Chloe Bayliff 2001 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 282 | Red Maple |
Beachler, Bob and Anne Niinemets | Forever Love All Ways Anne Niinemets Bob Beachler Married 10-16-65 Ma Armastan Sind | Beech Acres Section 1 | 101 | White Oak |
Beech Acres Parenting Center | Beech Acres Parenting Center Celebrating 73 Years at 6881 Beechmont 10/20/22 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 132 | Prairie Fire Crabapple |
Beischel, Duffy | Duffy Beischel Board of Park Commissioners Years of Service: 1993-2012 | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 64 | Sycamore |
Bell, Travis T. | In Loving Memory Travis T. Bell Always In Our Hearts 1985 - 2019 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 116 | Sweetgum |
Belland, Brittany | In Loving Memory of Our Beautiful Friend Brittany Belland 1990 - 2018 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 219 | Bald Cypress |
Belland, Diana | In Memory of Diana Belland 1945 - 2020 Loving Mom and Wife | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 219 | Bald Cypress |
Benzinger, Nick | For Nick Benzinger Who Loved The Park | Juilfs Section 6 | 616 | Dogwood |
Bergwerk, Mary | In Our Hearts Mary Bergwerk 3/7/41 - 3/7/04 | Juilfs Section 1 | 176 | Laurel Oak |
Berno, Karen | Trees in Gratitude Karen Berno Loving Mother October 2013 | Juilfs Section 4 | 421 | Eastern Redbud |
Berry, Melvina | In Memory of Melvina Berry 2002 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 269 | Red Maple |
Bibus, Brad | In Loving Memory Brad Bibus 1973 - 2024 Always In Our Thoughts & Forever In Our Hearts! | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 210 | White Oak |
Bickel, JoAnn | In Loving Memory JoAnn Bickel 2024 | Juilfs Section 6 | 620 | Japanese Maple |
Biedenharn, Stan | In Memory of Stan Biedenharn MCPO-US-Navy | Beech Acres Section 1 | 110 | American Elm |
Biehle, Elaine | In Memory of Elaine M. Biehle 1921 - 2016 Founding Member Green Grubbers Garden Club | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 313 | Green Vase Zelkova |
Bissinger, Pete | The Pete Bissinger Family 2002 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 220 | Prairie Fire Crabapple |
Blair, Bobby and Betty | In Memory of Bobby & Betty Blair With Love and Gratitude Dane, Lara, Violet & Vada | Juilfs Section 1 | 102 | Horse-Chestnut |
Blair, Terry | Terry Blair Those We Love Don't Go Away, They Walk Beside Us Every Day. | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 24 | Siberian Spruce |
Blauser, Jeffrey | Jeffrey G. Blauser Bada-Bing Bada-Bang Bada-Boom 3-10-52 12-17-05 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 238 | Sweet Gum |
Blom, Gianna Marie | In God's Arms In Our Hearts Our Precious Girl Gianna Marie Blom March 3, 2021 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 172 | Bur Oak |
Boatright, Russell | In Memory of Russell F. Boatright 2001 | Juilfs Section 5 | 554 | Red Maple |
Boeing, Betty | In Memory of Betty Boeing 1923-2007 Loving Mother, Grandmother | Juilfs Section 1 | 131 | Silver Maple |
Boettner, Roger | Roger Boettner He Taught Us To Speak Loud, Test Fate & Protect Those We Love | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 254 | October Glory Maple |
Bogosian, Margaret | In Honor of Margaret Bogosian 1920 - 2006 | Juilfs Section 1 | 144 | Moraine Honeylocust |
Bolan, Robert | In Memory of Robert D. Bolan "Danny" 1980 - 2016 | Beech Acres Section 4 | 418 | Norway Maple |
Bonfield, John | In Memory of John M Bonfield 2000 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 283 | Red Maple |
Bonne, Jordan | In Memory of Jordan Bonne 2004 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 256 | Cleveland Select Pear |
Bonne, Jordan | Jodan Bonne "Job Well Done" 2014 | Juilfs Section 1 | 105 | Red Maple |
Borman, Poppy and Dewey | In memory of Poppy & Dewey Borman 1997 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 311 | Green Vase Zelkova |
Bowen, Margaret | In Memory of Margaret Bowen Green Grubbers Garden Club | Juilfs Section 1 | 117 | Bald Cypress |
Boyd, Hazel | In Memory of Hazel M. Boyd 1914 - 2000 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 268 | American Sweet Gum |
Boyer, Chris | In Loving Memory of Chris Boyer 1966 1996 | Juilfs Section 1 | 164 | Red Maple |
Brackett, Mitch | In Loving Memory Mitch Brackett 1964 - 2003 | Juilfs Section 1 | 186 | Moraine Honeylocust |
Brandenburg, Charles | In Memory of Charles "Pig" Brandenburg July 7, 1997 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 217A | Willow Oak |
Brandy, Michael | In Memory of Rev. Michael Brandy, Phd. March 26, 1932 April 5, 2002 God Bless | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 235 | October Glory Maple |
Brennen, Carole | Carole Brennen's Tree | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 273 | Bald Cypress |
Brinkman, Harry | In Memory of Harry Brinkman | Beech Acres Section 2 | 252 | Cleveland Select Pear |
Brinkman, Jack | In Loving Memory Jack Brinkman 1930-2017 Altiora! | Beech Acres Section 1 | 162 | Red Sunset Maple |
Brinkman, Laverne | Laverne Brinkman 1931-2011 There Is a Gift Like No Other She Came From God We Call Her Mother | Beech Acres Section 1 | 157 | Bur Oak |
Brooks, Ed | To Ed Brooks, Who Left Our World One Less Smile, So We Smile Here In His Memory. | Juilfs Section 6 | 656 | Eastern Red Pine |
Brown, Christopher Kenneth | Christopher Kenneth Brown Software Engineer -1337- Father of Noah & Elyse 1/22/86 - 5/27/21 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 139 | Pin Oak |
Browning, Ingrid | In Loving Memory Ingrid Browning 1971 - 2023 Amazing Wife & Mom "Love You More!" | Beech Acres Section 4 | 430 | Sweetgum |
Brunn, Daniel | Daniel Brunn Our Hero Water Tastes Better When Dan's On Duty! | Juilfs Section 5 | 504 | Norway Spruce |
Bruton, Gwenn | Always in Our Hearts Gwenn Bruton 1945 - 2005 | Juilfs Section 6 | 651 | Eastern White Pine |
Bryant, Bruce | In Memory of Bruce Bryant 1946-2017 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 166 | Pin Oak |
Bryant, Chet | In Honor of Chet Bryant An Amazing Man 2006 | Veterans Park | 12 | Pin Oak |
Bryant, Curtis | In Memory of Curtis Bryant 1945-2007 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 166 | Pin Oak |
Bucher, Virginia | In Memory of Virginia Bucher 1937 - 2016 A Loving Mom, Gran & Great-Gran | Juilfs Section 5 | 526 | Bald Cypress |
Budai, Mary | In Loving Memory of Mary Gladys Budai 2005 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 250 | Cleveland Select Pear |
Budai, Robert | In Loving Memory of Robert L. Budai 1993 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 249 | Armstrong Maple |
Buehler, Matthew | In Loving Memory of Matthew Buehler 2005 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 290 | Colorado Blue Spruce |
Bugge, Cynthia | Cynthia Bugge Loving Mother Caring Daughter Avid Queen Fan | Beech Acres Section 4 | 438 | Sycamore |
Bulger, Nancy and Charles | Remembering Nancy Furcht Bulger Charles "Chi" Bulger Married March 30, 1968 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 237 | Red Maple |
Burck, Betty and Fred | In Memory of Betty Burck 2007 & Fred Burck 2022 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 118 | Autumn Blaze Maple |
Burke, S. Tillie | S. Tillie Burke Our Baba 90 Years Always Stylish Dressed in Pink Nostrovia | Juilfs Section 5 | 531 | Eastern White Pine |
Burkholz, Evelyn | In Memory of Evelyn A. Burkholz 1922-2014 She Loved Us All | Beech Acres Section 1 | 163 | Weeping Cherry |
Busch, Don and Ginny | In Honor of Don & Ginny Busch 1999 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 301 | Red Maple |
Bushman, Barbara | In Honor of Barbara Bushman | Juilfs Section 6 | 672 | Harvest Gold Crabappple |
Butcher, Edwin | In Memory of Edwin Butcher "Papa" | Juilfs Section 1 | 156 | Sycamore |
Byrnside, Allen and Mary | In Memory of Allen and Mary Byrnside | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 298 | Yellowwood |
Calahan, Brennan | Brennan Calahan 6-25-1988 1-27-2017 | Veterans Park | 18 | Bald Cypress |
Caldwell, Connie | In Memory of Connie Caldwell 2008 | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 55 | Red Oak |
Caldwell, Grandma | In Memory of Grandma Caldwell | Juilfs Section 4 | 426 | Red Maple |
Caldwell, Harold | In Memory of Harold Caldwell 1941-2020 They Planted Their Love Of Nature In Many | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 55 | Red Oak |
Camden, Ron | In Memory of Coach Ron Camden Friendly's Baseball 1981 - 1987 1983 City Champs | Juilfs Section 1 | 148 | Silver Maple |
Campbell, Stanley | In Memory of Stanley Campbell 2004 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 209 | Autumn Blaze Maple |
Cappel, Cyndi | Cyndi Capple Grateful For Our Beautiful Morning Walks, Talks And Friendships! | Beech Acres Section 1 | 170 | Sweetgum |
Capurro, Gio | Stay Well Life is Good Gio Capurro 2010 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 306 | Red Maple |
Carigan, Patrick | In Memory of Patrick H. Carigan November 17, 2012 | Juilfs Section 5 | 555 | Red Maple |
Carmela | "Bloom Where You Are Planted" Happy 80th Birthday Carmela! Amore, La Tua Famiglia | Veterans Park | 7 | White Oak |
Carney, Marjorie | In Loving Memory Marjorie Carney 9-17-06 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 210 | Dogwood |
Carr, Marty | Marty Carr Always in Our Hearts | Juilfs Section 5 | 564 | Laurel Oak |
Carr, Scott | In Memory of Scott Carr 1962-2007 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 260 | Cleveland Select Pear |
Carullo, Charlie | In Loving Memory Baby Charlie Carullo | Veterans Park | 11 | Pin Oak |
Cassidy, Sam | In Memory of Samuel Cassidy 1940 2015 Husband, Father Grandfather | Juilfs Section 5 | 535 | Heritage River Birch |
Cassidy, Sam and Betty | In Honor of Sam & Betty Cassidy Teacher | Juilfs Section 5 | 535 | Heritage River Birch |
Chapman, Jerry | Unforgettable Jerry Chapman 2011 | Juilfs Section 4 | 417 | White Oak |
Cheek Wilkerson | The Cheek Wilkerson Family | Juilfs Section 5 | 503 | Eastern Red Pine |
Christian, Misha | In Our Hearts Misha Christian Always 2000 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 300 | Red Maple |
Clark, Theodore | In Memory of Theodore J. Clark 1948 2002 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 278 | Pin Oak |
Clawson, Evan | Jesus said, "Let The Little Children Come Unto Me; For Such Is The Kingdom of God." In Loving Memory of Evan William Clawson 11/11/10 - 2/3/14 | Veterans Park | 68 | Dogwood |
Clayton, Frank | In Loving Memory of Frank K. Clayton 9/11/1930-1/24/2012 Husband, Father, Grandfather, Patriot | Beech Acres Section 4 | 423 | Red Oak |
Clemmons, Jean | Jean Clemmons In Loving Memory 2022 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 204 | American Sweet Gum |
Clemmons, Jim | Jim Clemmons In Loving Memory 2001 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 204 | American Sweet Gum |
Coach, Conrad | In Memory of Our Neighbor Conrad Rief Coach | Juilfs Section 1 | 150 | American Sweet Gum |
Coldiron, James and Ruth | In Honor of James L & Ruth Coldiron | Juilfs Section 1 | 172 | Cleveland Pear |
Cole, John | In Memory of John Cole "Selfless" 1962-2012 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 149 | Elm |
Collins, Ryan | Ryan Collins Eagle Scout Troop #519 2013 Juilfs-A-Tree Project | Juilfs Section 6 | 684 | Red Maple |
Combs, Jackie | Honoring Jackie Combs 2000 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 309 | Red Maple |
Combs, Jackie | In Memory of Jackie Combs 2004 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 244 | Eastern White Pine |
Combs, Jackie | Love Everlasting Jackie Combs 2004 | Veterans Park | 15 | Pin Oak |
Compton, Bob and Millie | We Miss You Bob & Millie Compton 1995 - 1999 | Juilfs Section 5 | 540 | Crabapple- Jade |
Considine, Ryan M. | In Honor of Ryan M. Considine Forever Missed Forever Loved | Beech Acres Section 2 | 208 | Prairie Fire Crabapple |
Cook, Kay and Kelly | In Memory of Kay and Kelly Cook | Juilfs Section 5 | 561 | Red Maple |
Cooper, Steve | In Honor of Steve "Coop" Cooper 2006 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 213 | Snow Drift Crabapple |
Cornell, Bill & Lory | You Are Our Sunshine Bill & Lory Cornell | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 183 | Sweetgum |
Cornuelle, Bob | In Memory of Bob Cornuelle 2001 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 246 | Chinkapin Oak |
Corrado, Nick | Always in Our Hearts Our Son Nick Corrado 10-10-78 6-30-15 | Juilfs Section 4 | 412 | Red Maple |
Corrado, Nick | Always In Our Hearts Our Son Nick Corrado 10-10-78 6-30-15 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 161 | American Sweetgum |
Costello, Lucy | In Memory of Lucy L. Costello | Juilfs Section 1 | 138 | Swamp White Oak |
Cover, Gwendolyn | In Loving Memory of Gwendolyn H. Cover 4/9/39 - 5/25/16 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 229 | Sycamore |
Crews, Martha | In Memory of Martha Crews Green Grubbers Garden Club | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 259 | Moraine Honeylocust |
Cristiani, Michael W. | In Our Hearts Michael W. Cristiani 1951 - 2018 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 130 | Prairie Fire Crabapple |
Croxton, John Sr. | John Croxton Sr. A Good Friend Nancy, Bob & Lauren Wetterer 1929 2021 Chocolate | Beech Acres Section 1 | 176 | Pin Oak |
Cummings, Roy | In Memory of Roy Cummings 2001 | Juilfs Section 1 | 153 | Pin Oak |
Cummins, Thomas "Chief" | Thomas "Chief" Cummins Forever In Our Hearts | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 276 | Bald Cypress |
Cunningham, Bobby | In Memory of Bobby Cunningham 1994 | Juilfs Section 6 | 664 | Royal Raindrops Crabapple |
Cunningham, Ray and Clarion | Ray & Clarion Cunningham Gone But Not Forgotten | Beech Acres Section 2 | 235 | Zelkova |
Cunningham, Trish | In Memory of Trish Cunningham 1993 | Juilfs Section 6 | 665 | Prairie Fire Crabapple |
Dammert, Sydney Lyn | In Loving Memory of Sydney Lyn Dammert 1996 - 2016 | Juilfs Section 4 | 411 | Linden |
Daniel, Troy & Stella | In memory of Troy & Stella Daniel 1996 | Juilfs Section 5 | 542 | Ivory Silk Lilac |
Dave | Dave's Faithful Companions In Life Gandalf and Mocha | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 105 | Sycamore |
David Vogel Landscape and Armstrong Fund | This Freedom Tree is Sponsored by The David Vogel Landscape Co. and The Helen and Keith Armstrong Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation | Beech Acres Section 1 | 125 | Honey Locust |
Davis, Leland and Patty | In Loving Memory of Leland & Patty Davis | Juilfs Section 6 | 610 | Moraine Honeylocust |
Deal, David | In Memory of David A Deal 1963-2011 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 135 | Honey Locust |
Dean, Lauren | Forever In Our Hearts Lauren Dean | Juilfs Section 4 | 461 | Red Maple |
Deimling, Terri | In Memory of Terri Deimling August 4, 1998 | Juilfs Section 5 | 544 | Northern Red Oak |
Dell Sr, Daniel | In Memory of Daniel D. Dell Sr Play Well Everyone Play Well | Juilfs Section 6 | 668 | Eastern White Pine |
DeMarco, Jace S. | Jace S. DeMarco 10/13/21 - 3/23/22 A Forever Child At Play At This Park | Juilfs Section 5 | 529 | Bald Cypress |
DeMille, Meghan Allendorf | In Loving Memory of Meghan Allendorf DeMille 1984-2019 | Juilfs Section 6 | 617 | Flowering Dogwood |
Demmerle, Martha | In Memory of Martha Demmerle | Beech Acres Section 4 | 409 | Honey Locust |
Dempsey, Harold | In Loving Memory of Harold Dempsey 11/7/2011 | Juilfs Section 6 | 622 | Eastern White Pine |
Diehl, Albert | In Memory of Albert Diehl 2000 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 216 | Willow Oak |
Dierker, Ken and Dierker, Ali | In Loving Memory Ken Dierker & Ali Dierker | Beech Acres Section 4 | 424 | Crimson King Maple |
Dietrich, Lois | In Memory of Lois B Dietrich 2007 | Riverside Section 1 | 164 | Flowering Cherry |
Dill, Angi | In Memory of Angi Dill 12-21-2019 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 171 | Sugar Maple |
DiMario, Gino | Gina J. DiMario May 1997 We Love You Forever | Beech Acres Section 1 | 123 | Red Chokecherry |
Ditkus | Ditkus 2007 - 2019 In Our Hearts Forever | Beech Acres Section 4 | 425 | Crimson King Maple |
Dodson, Beth | In Loving Memory of Beth Dodson 1986 - 2011 | Riverside Section 1 | 156 | White Oak |
Dorsey, Anne | In Loving Memory Anne G. Dorsey 2014 | Veterans Park | 66 | Dogwood |
Douglas, Billie & Jerry | Billie & Jerry Douglas Kindred Spirits Forever in Love | Juilfs Section 4 | 452 | Tulip |
Doyle, M.D. | In Loving Memory of M.D. Doyle August 15, 1997 | Juilfs Section 5 | 549 | Weeping Crabapple- Jade |
Dreyer, Dave and Linda | Donated By Dave & Linda Dreyer and Family | Beech Acres Section 3 | 301 | Autumn Blaze Maple |
Driggers, Steve | Gone Fishing Steve Driggers 1950 - 2009 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 221 | Purple Ash |
Drosick, Donna | Remembering Our Dear Friend Donna Drosick 2014 | Juilfs Section 4 | 419B | Prairie Fire Crabapple |
Drosick, Donna | Remembering Our Dear Friend Donna Drosick 2014 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 136 | Laurel Oak |
Dufour, Andre and Elise | In Memory of Andre & Elise Dufour 1967 1972 | Juilfs Section 1 | 161 | Crabapple- Sargent |
Dunaway, Joshua and Caitlin | All Glory and Honor To God For My Precious Children Joshua Dunaway and Caitlin Dunaway | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 15 | Green Giant |
Dunigan, Geneva and Wheeler | In Memory of Geneva & Wheeler Dunigan | Juilfs Section 5 | 507 | Bald Cypress |
Dunn, Jimmy | In Peace Jimmy Dunn 1933 - 2004 With You Always | Juilfs Section 4 | 431 | Scrub Pine |
Dunn, Patricia | In Honor Patricia Dunn 2004 Side By Side | Juilfs Section 4 | 430 | Scrub Pine |
Elliott, Ruth | In Memory of Ruth G. Elliott 1997 | Juilfs Section 5 | 560 | White Pine |
Erickson, Bob | In Memory of Bob Erickson 1949 - 2015 He Loved Us All Husband, Father Grandfather | Beech Acres Section 2 | 241 | Sycamore |
Ernie | In Loving Memory "Ernie" Oct 31, 2007 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 112 | American Sweetgum |
Estell, Sally and Tom | In Memory of Sally & Tom Estell 2000 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 263 | October Glory Maple |
Farrell, Reed | In Memory of Reed Farrell 2010 | Juilfs Section 1 | 185 | October Glory Maple |
Faul, Dick | In Memory of Dick Faul Who Enjoyed Biking These Trails During Every Season | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 59 | Redsunset Maple |
Fehn, Sheila | Sheila Fehn Office Manager Years of Service: 1995-2021 Happy Trails! You earned it. | Juilfs Section 6 | 685 | White Oak |
Ficks, Kelsey | In Memory of Kelsey Ficks 2011 - 2013 | Juilfs Section 4 | 424 | Red Maple |
Fishback, John "Pa" | "You Got to Let Your Soul Shine" John "Pa" Fishback | Veterans Park | 22 | Bur Oak |
Fishback, Kay | In Memory of Gladys Childs Kay Fishback July 6, 2001 | Juilfs Section 6 | 661 | Clump Redbud |
Fisher, Donna | In Memory of Donna J. Fisher 1997 | Juilfs Section 6 | 634 | Sycamore |
Fleck, Denise | In Loving memory of Denise Fleck 1958 2000 | Juilfs Section 1 | 168 | Eastern Redbud |
Flory, Carolyn | In Memory of Carolyn Flory Green Grubbers Garden Club 2006 | Juilfs Section 1 | 136 | Red Maple |
Foote, Geraldine | In Memory of Geraldine Foote 2011 | Juilfs Section 1 | 169 | Red Maple |
Foote, Ruby | In Loving Memory of Ruby Foote A Wonderful Wife, Mom, Aunt and Friend. We Miss You! | Juilfs Section 1 | 169 | Red Maple |
Forman, George | In Loving Memory of George A. Forman 1933 - 2011 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 217B | Red Maple |
Forsthoefel, John | John Forsthoefel Made Us Forsthoefelstrong Annie, Adam, Emily, Matt, Julie | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 252 | Austrian Pine |
Frances and Matt | Out Little House of Love Frances & Matt | Juilfs Section 4 | 466 | To Be Identified |
Frazer, Linda | In Loving Memory of Linda Frazer 1959 - 2007 Always in Our Hearts | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 296 | White Ash |
Freeman, Thomas | Thomas R. Freeman Sr. 1939 - 2023 | Beech Acres Section 4 | 446 | Sweetgum |
Frye, Mick | Mick J. Frye 03/17/53 - 02/09/24 Loving Husband, Father, And Grandfather. Forever Missed. | Veterans Park | 62 | Red Oak |
Fucito, Rose | In Loving Memory of Rose Fucito 2009 | Juilfs Section 4 | 434 | American Sweet Gum |
Gabel, Jim | Jim Gabel 1939 - 2023 Beloved Husband And Father Proud Marine | Beech Acres Section 3 | 311 | Oak |
Gallagher, Barbara | Barbara Gallagher Fun, Fit, Fabulous and Beloved Friend 2019 | Juilfs Section 1 | 107 | White Pine |
Garcia, Cristi | En Memoria De Cristi Garcia Te Amamos Mucho 2011 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 148 | Red Sunset Maple |
Gardiner, Dr. Wayne E. | Celebrating The Life of Dr. Wayne E. Gardiner 2/8/34 - 8/23/09 | Beech Acres Section 4 | 426 | Sweetgum |
Gash, Robert | Robert Gash Son, Brother, Husband, Dad 1968-2010 | Beech Acres Section 3 | 316 | American Sweetgum |
Gatto, John | John "Gus" Gatto October 26, 2009 I Was Tired and God Said "Come With Me" | Beech Acres Section 2 | 231 | American Sweetgum |
Gauche, Jack | Jack Gauche Pray Daily The Rosary With Jack 1946-2021 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 251B | Sweetgum |
Geis, Don | Donald Geis Love Ann Don Mike Kim Doug 2000 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 266 | Pin Oak |
Geis, Don | Love Angie Robbin Pete Melissa and Grandchildren | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 266 | Pin Oak |
Geis, Jerry | In Memory of Jerry Geis 2000 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 226 | Pin Oak |
Gelter, Nadine | Nadine Gelter Board of Park Commissioners Years of Service: 1997-2016 | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 72 | Pin Oak |
Geoppinger, Teresa | In Memory of Teresa Geoppinger 2003 | Juilfs Section 4 | 435 | Constellation Dogwood |
George, Dottie | "Dottie" George 2-4-2016 Mother And Grandmother Gone, But Never Forgotten | Juilfs Section 4 | 410 | Elm |
Gerrard, Rose | In Memory of Rose Gerrard September 12, 1932 July 15, 2022 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 145 | Morten Maple |
Gibbons, Joseph | In Memory of Joseph C Gibbons 1995 | Juilfs Section 4 | 445 | Honey Locust |
Gibbons, Kathleen | In Loving Memory Kathleen Gibbons Ellis Daughter Sister Wife & Mother 2014 | Juilfs Section 4 | 445 | Honey Locust |
Gibbs, Ruth | In Memory of Ruth Jean Gibbs 1931 - 2006 | Juilfs Section 1 | 163 | Honey Locust |
Giesting, Brad | In Memory of Brad Giesting Forever In Our Hearts | Beech Acres Section 1 | 151 | October Glory Maple |
Giesting, R. & M., and Smith, C. & R. | In Memory of Robert & Marie Giesting Charles & Ruth Smith | Beech Acres Section 4 | 405 | Elm |
Gilligan, Jay | Source of Joy Jay Gilligan & Little Misty | Juilfs Section 5 | 522 | Bald Cypress |
Ginocchio, Peter | Peter Ginocchio In The Palm of His Hand | Juilfs Section 1 | 145 | October Glory Maple |
Goddard, Benjamin | Benjamin Goddard You Realize The Sun Doesn't Go Down It's Just An Illusion Caused By The World Spinning Around | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 26 | October Glory Maple |
Goebels, Greer | Greer Goebels 9/13/90 - 10/28/15 "It's A Good Day To Be A Great Day!" | Beech Acres Section 1 | 157 | Bur Oak |
Goff, Kelly | Kelly Goff I'm Walking With Jesus, Please Don't Worry About Me Love Mom, Dad And Family | Beech Acres Section 1 | 158 | Star Magnolia |
Good, Marie | In Memory of Marie Good 1999 | Juilfs Section 1 | 171 | Cleveland Pear |
Good, Ralph and Myrnie | In Memory of Ralph & Myrnie Good All Is Well | Juilfs Section 1 | 170 | Callery (Bradford) Pear |
Goure, Ann | In Memory of Ann Goure 2008 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 240 | Red Sunset Maple |
Goure, Nancyanne | In Memory of Nancyanne Goure 2014 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 240 | Red Sunset Maple |
Gray, Margaret "Midge" | Margaret "Midge" A. Gray Green Grubbers Garden Club 2007 | Juilfs Section 1 | 137 | Sycamore |
Gray, Patricia | In Loving Memory of Patricia Gray | Beech Acres Section 2 | 214 | Snow Drift Crabapple |
Gray, Victoria | In Loving Memory of Victoria Moore Gray 1957 - 2011 | Juilfs Section 1 | 162 | Dogwood |
Green Grubbers | In Honor of Green Grubber Garden Club 1996 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 304 | White Ash |
Green Grubbers | Green Grubbers Garden Club Kay Doran Joyce Dill Anne Grimes Gwen Doppler | Juilfs Section 4 | 465 | Oak |
Green Grubbers | Green Grubbers Garden Club Jaye Yorio Ellie Nelson Marion Cottrell Kathy Pawlak | Juilfs Section 4 | 464 | Oak |
Greve, Neal | In Memory of Neal A. Greve 2005 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 102 | Laurel Oak |
Grogan, Richard and Mary | In Memory of Richard & Mary Grogan | Beech Acres Section 2 | 253 | Cleveland Select Pear |
Guest, Michael | In Memory of Michael "Pop" Guest We Love You Andrew Kristin Mason & Ellie | Beech Acres Section 1 | 167 | October Glory Maple |
Gulden, Tony | In Memory of Tony Gulden 2006 Love You Forever | Beech Acres Section 2 | 236 | Elm |
Gumbo | In Memory of Gumbo 5-8-99 6-6-10 Our Best Friend | Juilfs Section 1 | 184 | October Glory Maple |
Gundrum, Yatz | We Remember Yatz Gundrum 1949 - 2019 | Beech Acres Section 4 | 412 | Swamp White Oak |
Gunzenhaeuser, Mary Beth | In Memory of Mary Beth Gunzenhaeuser 2007 | Juilfs Section 1 | 180 | Red Maple |
Gutekunst, Marge and Tom | Happy 50th Anniversary Marge and Tom Gutekunst 2021 | Juilfs Section 6 | 654 | Swamp White Oak |
Haas, Olga & Ralph | Olga & Ralph Haas In Loving Memory Ralph 1922-1997 Olga 1922-2017 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 131 | Prairie Fire Crabapple |
Haas, Richard | In Memory of Richard Haas 2008 | Kellogg Park | 5 | Pin Oak |
Haase, Bill and Anne | Happy 50th Anniversary Bill & Anne Haase | Beech Acres Section 1 | 122 | Red Chokecherry |
Hamill, John and Nancy | In Honor of John & Nancy Hamill | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 223 | Pin Oak |
Harding, Amanda | In Loving Memory of Amanda Virginia Harding Beloved Daughter and Sister | Juilfs Section 5 | 512 | Flowering Crabapple |
Harley, Ronald | In Memory of Ronald Harley 1933 1991 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 153 | October Glory Maple |
Harmon, Jack | In Memory of Jack Graham Harmon 1999 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 265 | Red Maple |
Harmon, Will | In Loving Memory of Our Hero Will Harmon 1939-2020 | Juilfs Section 4 | 451 | Tulip |
Harris, Barbara | In Memory of Barbara Harris 2003 | Juilfs Section 1 | 151 | October Glory Maple |
Harrison, Andrew | In Memory of Andrew Butler Harrison | Juilfs Section 5 | 538 | Honey Locust |
Harrison, Kyle | In Memory of Kyle Butler Harrison | Juilfs Section 5 | 537 | Callery (Bradford) Pear |
Hathorn, Robert and Sophie | Donated By Robert E. Sophie J. Hathorn and Lucky | Beech Acres Section 3 | 303 | Autumn Blaze Maple |
Hausman, Ursula | Ursula Hausman and Sam | Beech Acres Section 1 | 152 | Pin Oak |
Hayden, Carrie | In Honor of Mrs Carrie Hayden 1997 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 303 | Red Maple |
Hayes, Patrick | In Memory of Patrick J. Hayes "Forever With Us" | Juilfs Section 1 | 106 | Eastern White Pine |
Hayward, Austin | In Memory of Austin Hayward 1997 | Juilfs Section 5 | 565 | Swamp White Oak |
Hayward, George | In memory of George Hayward "Rox" 2009 | Juilfs Section 5 | 565 | Swamp White Oak |
Head, Clarence and Clara | In Loving Memory of Clarence B. and Clara Bea Head 2011 | Juilfs Section 4 | 416 | Silver Maple |
Head, Shami | In Memory of Our Beloved Dog Shami Head 2002-2020 | Juilfs Section 6 | 618 | Pin Oak |
Hecht, Nancy | In Memory of Our Friend Nancy Hecht KV #72 | Juilfs Section 6 | 638 | Red Maple |
Helbig, Don & Louis | In Loving Memory of Don & Louis Helbig | Juilfs Section 1 | 134 | Sycamore |
Henderson, Larry | In Loving Memory of Larry Henderson Sr April 2011 | Juilfs Section 6 | 677 | Eastern White Pine |
Hennon, Madeline | In Loving Memory of Madeline L. Hennon 6/18/20 - 5/31/16 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 228 | Sycamore |
Hensler, Larry | In Loving Memory of Larry Hensler 1944 - 2004 | Juilfs Section 4 | 439 | Prairie Fire Crabapple |
Hensley, David | 1951 - 1997 In Memory of David Hensley Soulmate and Loving Brother | Beech Acres Section 3 | 327 | Purple Ash |
Hermann, Wayne | Wayne Hermann Board of Park Commissioners Years of Service: 1995-2005 | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 67 | Elm |
Hewitt, Doug | In Loving Memory Doug Hewitt Dad 2018 Forever In Our Hearts | Veterans Park | 9 | Laurel Oak |
Hickenlooper, Billy and Bo | Billy and Bo Hickenlooper With Love, The Martella's | Juilfs Section 6 | 683 | Magnolia |
Hickenlooper, Billy and Bo | Dedicated to Billy and Bo Hickenlooper 1994 | Juilfs Section 6 | 681 | Pin Oak |
Hicks, Dorothy | In Memory of Dorothy M. Hicks Dec. 18, 1999 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 248 | Red Maple |
Hirschauer, John | In Memory of Hirschauer John Jr. & Sr. | Juilfs Section 6 | 606 | Norway Spruce |
Hitchcock, Alec | Alec Hitchcock Caring And Kind A Friend To All So Very Missed Forever Loved 10/2004 10/2018 | Juilfs Section 5 | 574 | Moraine Honeylocust |
Hobdy, Randy | In Memory of Randy Hobdy 2006 | Juilfs Section 1 | 183 | Black Willow |
Hobt, Jeanne | In Memory of Jeanne Hobt 2013 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 236B | Laurel Oak |
Hoeffel, Beth | In Memory of Beth Hoeffel Green Grubbers Garden Club | Juilfs Section 1 | 158 | Red Maple |
Hoffman, Joan | In Memory of Joan Hoffman Green Grubbers Garden Club | Juilfs Section 1 | 159 | White Oak |
Hollingsworth | Leave The Road, Take The Trails Ray, Terrie, Joe & Elizabeth | Beech Acres Section 1 | 178 | Elm |
Holloways | Dear Holloways, We Welcome You to Our Family Tree, With Love, Tim, Molly & The Taylors | Juilfs Section 4 | 402 | Elm |
Holly, Tim | In Loving Memory of Tim Holly Husband, Father & Papaw October 19, 2021 | Juilfs Section 4 | 442B | Buckeye |
Holman, Alvin F. | Alvin F. Holman Forever In Our Hearts | Beech Acres Section 4 | 420 | American Sweetgum |
Holman, Celina L. | Celina L. Holman Forever In Our Hearts Til We Meet Again | Beech Acres Section 4 | 420 | American Sweetgum |
Holmes, Jack | Jack Holmes A Loving Dad & Grandpa 2005 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 245 | Black Walnut |
Hood, Maddy | In Loving Memory of Maddy Hood 2008 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 160 | (perennials) |
Hord, Grover & Jeanne | In Memory of Grover & Jeanne Hord Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 187 | Ginko |
Horn, Ollie | In Memory of Ollie Horn 1995 | Juilfs Section 6 | 641 | Kousa Dogwood |
Horn, TJ | In Memory of T.J. Horn 1958 - 2019 And In Honor Of His Contributions To Anderson's Playgrounds Through The Run To Remember And The Legacy of Love He, His Family And His Friends Share For Their Community | Beech Acres Section 1 | 168 | Japanese Maple |
Hornschemeier, J. Michael | In Loving Memory of J. Michael Hornschemeier 1964-2010 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 115 | Pin Oak |
Hornschemeier, Jim | In Loving Memory Jim Hornschemeier 1/28/36 7/30/19 Wonderful, Loving, Husband, Dad, Grandpa, & Papa, He Loved Us All | Beech Acres Section 1 | 106 | Silver Maple |
Hornschemeier, Tom | In Celebration of Tom (T.E.) Hornschemeier 1962-2007 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 115 | Pin Oak |
Hoskins, Jean and Farmer | In Memory of Jean & Farmer Hoskins 2000 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 262 | Moraine Honeylocust |
Howard, Judy | In Memory of Judy "Juju" Howard | Juilfs Section 5 | 569 | Pin Oak |
Huebner, John and Millie | Cherished John & Millie Huebner 1948-2004 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 104 | October Glory Maple |
Hunt, Jason | In Memory of Jason W Hunt 1977 - 2001 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 250 | American Sweet Gum |
Huschart, Jane | In Loving Memory of Jane Lee Huschart | Juilfs Section 4 | 438 | Eastern White Pine |
Huston, Margaret | In Memory of Margaret Huston | Juilfs Section 5 | 543 | Redbud |
Imm, Albo | In Loving Memory of Albo Imm 1940 - 2007 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 239 | Swamp White Oak |
Inkrot, Robert | In Memory of Robert E Inkrot | Juilfs Section 4 | 447 | Red Maple |
Inlow, Helen | In Memory of Helen Inlow 1914-2007 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 108 | Purple Ash |
Isphording, Thomas | Thomas E. Isphording, Jr. "Pho" 6/20/60 - 11/17/07 | Beech Acres Section 4 | 410 | Swamp White Oak |
Jackson, Ralph and Clifton | In Loving Memory of Our Dad and Brother Ralph Jackson 1938 - 2017 Clifton Jackson 1968 - 2001 | Juilfs Section 6 | 608B | Kousa Dogwood |
Jackson, Sue | Mom, God Has You In His Keeping. We Have You In Our Hearts. Sue Jackson 1940 - 2018 | Juilfs Section 6 | 608C | Kousa Dogwood |
Jamison, Shannon Marie | In Memory of Shannon Marie Jamison 1981-2021 The Light Remains | Juilfs Section 4 | 450 | Tulip |
Jensen, Mary Louise | In Memory of Mary Louise Jensen 2008 | Juilfs Section 1 | 111 | Bald Cypress |
Jessep, Bill | Bill Jessep's Tree | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 206 | Basswood |
Jessep, Joan | Joan Jessep's Tree | Juilfs Section 4 | 453 | Tulip |
Johnson, Jim and Doyle, Judy | Jim Johnson & Judy Doyle Forever United In Love | Beech Acres Section 2 | 206B | Dogwood |
Johnson, Lucille | In Loving Memory of Lucille Johnson 1916 - 2009 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 251A | Sycamore |
Johnson, Marge | In Memory of Marge Johnson Green Grubbers Garden Club 2012 | Juilfs Section 6 | 639 | Autumn Blaze Maple |
Jones, Andrew | In memory of Andrew C. Jones 1974 - 2002 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 220 | Pin Oak |
Jordan, Archie | In Loving Memory of Archie C. Jordan 2014 | Juilfs Section 4 | 403 | Red Sunset Maple |
Juilfs, Constance | In Memory of Constance Juilfs 2004 | Juilfs Section 6 | 602 | Redbud |
Juilfs, Howard | In Grateful Appreciation and Loving Memory of Howard W. Juilfs 2003 | Juilfs Section 4 | 433 | Red Maple |
Kavanaugh, Tom | In Memory of Tom Kavanaugh 1996 | Juilfs Section 6 | 644 | Redbud |
Kaylor Family | The Kaylor Family 2023 | Juilfs Section 4 | 454 | Oak |
Kelley, Hayes | In Honor of Hayes Kelley 2012 | Juilfs Section 5 | 520 | Bald Cypress |
Kimble, Ben | Ben Kimble 2003 - 2019 Caring, Funny, Athletic & Kind Your Smile Warms Our Hearts. | Juilfs Section 6 | 633 | Moraine Honeylocust |
Kingfish | Trees in Gratitude Ed Bachman Kingfish Aquatic Club October 2013 | Juilfs Section 4 | 446 | Sweet Gum |
Kircher, Otto | Otto A. Kircher 12-13-37-12-20-12 He Was The Best Love You Always | Juilfs Section 5 | 542 | Ivory Silk Lilac |
Kirkham, Lucy | Lucy Kirkham | Juilfs Section 5 | 519 | Norway Spruce |
Kirkpatrick, Meghan | Meghan Kirkpatrick Always in Our Hearts 2014 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 270 | Colorado Blue Spruce |
Klekamp, Steve | In Memory of Steve Klekamp 1945 - 2005 | Juilfs Section 1 | 115 | Bald Cypress |
Klump, Jim | In Memory of Jim Klump Devoted Husband Loving Father Loyal Friend 2016 | Juilfs Section 1 | 173 | Cleveland Pear Select |
Koch, David | Preserve The Gift of Nature David Koch 1998 | Juilfs Section 5 | 567 | Pin Oak |
Kociela, Norman | In Memory of Norman Kociela 1996 | Juilfs Section 6 | 670 | Eastern White Pine |
Krafft, Janet | In Memory of Janet Krafft "Noni" 1945-2017 Living Forever in Our Hearts | Juilfs Section 1 | 108 | Heritage River Birch |
Krafft, William | In Memory of William "Barnacle Bill" Krafft 1971-2021 | Juilfs Section 6 | 623 | Moraine Honeylocust |
Kravitz, Sam | In Memory of Sam Kravitz 2011 | Juilfs Section 5 | 530 | Bald Cypress |
Krill, William and Mary | Always in Our Hearts William & Mary Krill | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 255 | Pin Oak |
Krutka, Kevin | In Memory of Kevin Krutka Husband, Father Geepa, Friend | Juilfs Section 6 | 630 | Eastern White Pine |
Kushner, Edward | In Memory of Edward A. Kushner Sr. 1999 | Juilfs Section 5 | 572 | Pin Oak |
Kyle, Charlie | In Memory of Charlie Kyle 2000 | Juilfs Section 5 | 536 | Crabapple- Jade |
Lackmeyer, Ally | In Loving Memory of Ally Christine Lackmeyer 2006 | Juilfs Section 1 | 142 | Red Maple |
Lackmeyer, John "Jack" | In Loving Memory John "Jack" Lackmeyer 2016 | Juilfs Section 5 | 525 | Bald Cypress |
Lamy | The Lamy Family 1997 | Juilfs Section 6 | 637 | Callery (Bradford) Pear |
Lanham, Brad | In Loving Memory of Brad Lanham Your Smile, Love & Laugh Are Forever In Our Hearts. 1976-2019 | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 14 | October Glory Maple |
Lanier, Lucky | Lucky Lanier All Children's Inclusive Playground Renovations Spearheaded by The Anderson Hills Kiwanis Club Re-Opened December 2006 Special Recognition To Guardian Savings Bank Union Savings Bank | Veterans Park | 65 | Cleveland Select Pear |
Larned, Mary K. and Fred | Always in Our Hearts Mary K. & Fred Larned | Juilfs Section 5 | 539 | Ginkgo |
Lausten, James | In Memory of James Lausten 2005 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 113 | Red Sunset Maple |
Lawrence, Cyndie | Cyndie Lee Lawrence July 31, 1960 July 14, 2023 | Juilfs Section 1 | 186 | Maple |
Lawrence, Cyndie | Cyndie Lee Lawrence July 31, 1960 July 14, 2023 | Veterans Park | 69 | Maple |
Lawrence, Gloria | Gloria Joan Lawrence Forever In Our Hearts | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 11 | Honeylocus |
Lawson, Chynna | In Memory of Chynna Lawson 1991 - 2019 And Her Daughter Madalynn 2014 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 114 | Purple Ash |
Lee, Arthur and Caryn | Dr Arthur and Caryn Lee 1997 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 310 | Crabapple- Jade |
Leidolf, Helen and Lester | In Loving Memory of Helen & Lester Leidolf 2005 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 248 | Cleveland Select Pear |
Lenihan, Joanne | Joanne Lenihan She Loved Us All Wife, Mother and Grandmother 1932 - 2012 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 242 | Autumn Blaze Maple |
Letchworth, Sam | In Loving Memory of Our Dad Sam Letchworth 9/11/80 - 3/26/22 | Beech Acres Section 3 | 314 | Honey Locust |
Liechte, Terry | In Loving Memory of Terry Liechte Forever In Ourt Hearts | Juilfs Section 5 | 506 | Moraine Honeylocust |
Liles, Laverne | In Loving Memory of Our Sister Laverne Liles 1934 - 2006 | Juilfs Section 1 | 141 | American Sweet Gum |
Lindeman, Roy | Always in Our Hearts Roy Lindeman 1934 - 2005 Aufwiedersehen | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 212 | White Oak |
Lithen, James | Remembering James R. Lithen Sept. 1995 | Juilfs Section 1 | 160 | Royal Birch |
LLD, MWN | Always in the Parks LLD MWN 2007 | Juilfs Section 1 | 109 | Bald Cypress |
Logeman, Marce | In Loving Memory of Marce Logeman 2005 | Juilfs Section 5 | 513 | Flowering Crabapple |
Longhauser, Jimmy | Jimmy Longhauser In memory of a man who always had a smile on his face and a tobacco pipe in hand. He was an employee who inspired others through his work ethic. Park patrons enjoyed his personable nature. One of Anderson Parks finest 1993 - 2006 | Juilfs Section 6 | 640 | Red Maple |
Longhauser, Jimmy | In Memory of Jimmy Longhauser 2006 | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 46 | Honeylocust |
Lotspeich, Marge | Mom Meema Margie Encourager Artist Teacher Friend | Beech Acres Section 1 | 144 | Star Magnolia |
Lotspeich, Richard "Dick" | Richard "Dick" Lotspeich Dad, Granddaddy, US Navy, WWII, Teacher, Lover of Math We Miss You. | Beech Acres Section 1 | 144 | Star Magnolia |
Lucas, Dorothea | In Memory of Dorothea Lucas | Beech Acres Section 4 | 407 | Swamp White Oak |
Lucas, Gran & Pops | In Loving Memory of Gran & Pops Lucas aka Jan & Luke | Juilfs Section 6 | 615 | Magnolia |
Luddeke, Scott | In Memory of Scott Gordon Luddeke 1985 | Juilfs Section 1 | 157 | Red Maple |
Luebers, Hilda and Alphonse | In Memory of Hilda & Alphonse Luebers 1998 | Juilfs Section 5 | 552 | Princeton Elm |
Lundy, Jerome | In Memor of Jerome Lundy 1994 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 205 | White Oak |
Lyons, Missy | Trees in Gratitude Missy Wesselkamper Lyons October 2013 | Juilfs Section 4 | 406 | Elm |
Mahaney, Peggy and Shirley | In Memory of Peggy J. Mahaney Shirley J. Mahaney | Beech Acres Section 3 | 326 | Chokecherry |
Mallin, Mary K. | Mary K. Mallin 1921 - 2007 Avid Walker Devout Advocate: Anderson Parks, FHSD & MWPC | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 284 | Norway Spruce |
Mandlove, Scott | In Memory of Scott Mandlove 2005 | Juilfs Section 6 | 659 | Swamp White Oak |
Mann, Bradley S. | Honoring My Son Bradley S. Mann Son & Brother 8/1/88 - 4/4/23 | Juilfs Section 5 | 505 | Norway Spruce |
Mann, Walter W. | Forever Loved Walter W. Mann Husband & Father 1/21/58 - 4/12/03 | Juilfs Section 5 | 505 | Norway Spruce |
Marsick, Kathy | In Memory of Kathy Marsick Green Grubbers Garden Club | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 260 | Red Maple |
Martella, V. James & Lorraine | V. James & Lorraine Martella With Love, The Martellas | Juilfs Section 6 | 626 | Magnolia |
Martini, Dean | In Celebration of Dean Martini Your Friends From "When The Rubber Meets The Road" | Beech Acres Section 2 | 233 | Honey Locust |
Massa, Betty | Trees in Gratitude In Memory of Betty Berno Massa 1923 - 2006 | Juilfs Section 4 | 420 | Eastern Redbud |
Massa, Clare | In Memory of Clare Massa 2000 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 241 | Red Maple |
Massa, Erica J. | Erica J. Massa 1979 - 2015 So Loved So Missed | Beech Acres Section 4 | 428 | Sycamore |
Massa, Joe | Trees in Gratitude In Memory of Grandpa Joe Massa 1923 - 2013 | Juilfs Section 4 | 425 | Zelkova |
Masterson, Bob | In Memory of Bob Masterson Your Buddy "Snowy" | Juilfs Section 1 | 133 | Red Maple |
McCall, Nelson | In Memory Of Nelson F McCall "Lucky" A Beloved Daddy And Grandpa Watching Over Us | Veterans Park | 48 | Elm |
McClure, Jack | In Memory of Jack McClure 1922-2004 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 254 | Cleveland Select Pear |
McClure, Natalie | In Memory of Natalie Mcclure Sister, Wife, Mother Grandmother, Friend 1924-2015 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 254 | Cleveland Select Pear |
McClure, Natalie and Jack | In Honor of Natalie & Jack McClure | Juilfs Section 6 | 636 | Frontier Elm |
McConkey, Mark A. | You'll Be In My Heart Mark A. McConkey 2021 | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 104 | White Oak |
McCord, James and Edna | In Loving Memory of James L & Edna McCord | Beech Acres Section 1 | 134 | Pin Oak |
McElroy, Jordan | Jordan McElroy 1975 - 2015 Have a Wonderful Afterlife | Beech Acres Section 4 | 452 | Sawtooth Oak |
McFarland, Tim | Tim McFarland 1966-2020 You Could Always Make Us Laugh | Beech Acres Section 4 | 431 | Swamp White Oak |
McGilligan, Brian | Brian McGilligan Son, Brother, Husband, Father Jan 1982-Nov 2021 | Juilfs Section 6 | 667 | Eastern White Pine |
McKeever, Bob and Eleaner | The Hosts With The Most Bob & Eleaner McKeever | Juilfs Section 1 | 112 | Bald Cypress |
McLaughlin, Edward and Audrey | In Loving Memory of Edward & Audrey McLaughlin | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 288 | Scrub Pine |
McLaughlin, Grady | In Memory of Grady McLaughlin 1927 - 2015 | Juilfs Section 1 | 143 | Chinkapin Oak |
McLaughlin, Hazel | In Memory of Hazel McLaughlin 1923 - 1999 | Juilfs Section 1 | 143 | Chinkapin Oak |
McMillan, Adam | Corporal Adam S. McMillan 9T60 End of Watch October 23, 2020 In Valor There Is Hope | Beech Acres Section 1 | 173 | White Oak |
McNamara and Bryant | Jodie McNamara & Charles Bryant 50th Anniversary November 24, 2023 | Juilfs Section 4 | 460 | To Be Identified |
McNicholas | McNicholas Class of 1974 | Juilfs Section 6 | 682 | Red Maple |
McQuery, Jack | In Memory of Jack McQuery 2010 | Juilfs Section 1 | 110 | Bald Cypress |
Meiners, Bob | In Memory of Bob Meiners 2007 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 245 | Zelkova |
Melish, Garry & Charlotte | Congratulations on Your Golden Anniversary! Garry & Charlotte Melish December 9, 2022 | Juilfs Section 4 | 459 | Chinkapin Oak |
Meredith, Tim | Tim Meredith I Have Finished The Race Sept. 23, 1980 - Oct. 21, 2013 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 233 | White Oak |
Meyer, Leo James | Safe In God's Hands Leo James Meyer May 26, 2022 | Veterans Park | 27 | Bald Cypress |
Miimi Judy, Pap Pap Jim | Mimi Judy & Pap Pap Jim Love You Forever Chris, Kevin, Ali & Nathan Christmas 2017 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 207 | Prairie Fire Crabapple |
Miller, Frank | In Memory of Frank Miller 2000 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 293 | Crabapple |
Miller, Nelson | In Memory Of Nelson Scott Miller March 1966 A Beloved Son And Brother | Veterans Park | 47 | Pin Oak |
Mink, Al | In Memory of Al Mink Papa 2007 | Juilfs Section 1 | 135 | Pin Oak |
Mink, Bill & Edie | Always Cherish Your Family Bill & Edie Mink Married 60 Years | Juilfs Section 4 | 414 | Swamp White Oak |
Minor, John and Elsie | In Loving Memory of John D. & Elsie K. Minor WWII 12th ARMD 2002 2008 | Veterans Park | 58 | Crabapple |
Mischler Helbling, Jane | In Memory of Jane Helbling Mischler 1937 - 2018 | Juilfs Section 1 | 139 | Red Maple |
Molnar, Elizabeth and Laszlo | In Memory of Elizabeth & Laszlo Sr. Molnar | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 224 | Pin Oak |
Mom and Brother | In Loving Memory of My Mom and Brother | Beech Acres Section 2 | 205 | Kentucky Coffee Tree |
Monter, E. William | In Memory of E. William Monter 1977 | Juilfs Section 5 | 545 | Northern Red Oak |
Monter, Florence | In Memory of Florence S. Monter 1997 | Juilfs Section 5 | 546 | Northern Red Oak |
Moody, Rita | In Memory of Rita Moody 2008 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 201 | Silver Maple |
Moore, Carol | In Honor of My Mother Carol Ann Moore | Juilfs Section 1 | 165 | Honey Locust |
Moore, David | In Memory of David P. Moore 1934 - 2001 | Juilfs Section 1 | 166 | Eastern Redbud |
Moore, Martha | In Honor of My Loving Wife Martha Marie Moore | Juilfs Section 1 | 167 | Honey Locust |
Moores, Lew | Lew Moores Writer Beloved Husband Best Friend 1950 - 2014 | Veterans Park | 67 | Redbud |
Moran, Joe | In Loving Memory of Joe Moran | Beech Acres Section 4 | 419 | Linden |
Moreland, Michael | In Loving Memory of Michael Moreland 1984 - 2005 | Juilfs Section 1 | 182 | Black Willow |
Motz, Ed and Dotty | In Memory of Ed & Dotty Motz 2000 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 261 | Scarlet Oak |
Muhlhauser | Happy 50th Anniversary Mom & Dad Muhlhauser We Love You, Emily, John & Scoot | Juilfs Section 4 | 463 | Red Maple |
Mullarkey, Claire | In Memory of Claire Ann Mullarkey 1993 - 2000 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 257 | Frontier Elm |
Mullarkey, Olga | In Memory of Olga Mullarkey 1968-2022 | Juilfs Section 5 | 516 | Norway Spruce |
Muller, John | In Memory of John F. Muller Hampton Place 1996 | Juilfs Section 5 | 541 | Ivory Silk Lilac |
Murphy, D. Michael | In Loving Memory D. Michael Murphy "Murph" 2017 | Juilfs Section 4 | 444 | Jack Pine |
Murphy, Kathleen | In Loving Memory of Our Mother, Grandmother & Aunt Kathleen Murphy 2011 | Juilfs Section 4 | 444 | Jack Pine |
Murray, William | In Memory of William Murray WWII POW 1923-2005 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 111 | Sycamore |
Myers, Gary | Gary Myers 1958 - 2011 Always in Our Hearts | Juilfs Section 1 | 181 | Chinese Elm |
Nagy, Levi | In Loving Memory of Levi Nagy May 10, 1997 June 27, 2013 "God Is With You" | Juilfs Section 4 | 418 | Sweet Gum |
Naish, Johnny | Always in Our Hearts Johnny Naish Jr. 2005 | Juilfs Section 4 | 428 | Red Maple |
Nalepa, Ruth and Chet | In Memory of Ruth & Chet Nalepa | Juilfs Section 1 | 114 | Bald Cypress |
Nana | Nana's Park This Is My Happy Place | Beech Acres Section 4 | 427 | Norway Maple |
Navarre, Madeline | In Memory of Madeline Navarre 2003 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 225 | Pin Oak |
Neal, Thomas B. | In Loving Memory of Our Beloved Thomas B. Neal Extraordinary Son, Dad, Papa & BFF 10/11/55 - 6/26/13 | Juilfs Section 4 | 427 | Norway Spruce |
Neel, Brad | In Memory of Brad A. Neel 1964 - 2005 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 219 | Dogwood |
Neeta and Dean | Neeta & Dean 23 August 2003 With You Always Papa | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 222 | Pin Oak |
Nichols, Taffy | In Memory of Taffy Nichols 1954-2024 Walks, Talks and Hugs | Juilfs Section 4 | 462 | Yellowood |
Nivens, Maryellen | In Loving Memory of Maryellen Nivens 7-31-07 To 2-9-2014 | Juilfs Section 4 | 404 | Red Sunset Maple |
Nordin, Amy | In Memory of Amy Nordin | Juilfs Section 5 | 509 | Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry |
O'Malley, Christine | Forever In Our Hearts Christine O'Malley 1961 - 2007 | Juilfs Section 4 | 442A | Sugar Maple |
Ochsenhirt, Jim | In Memory of Jim Ochsenhirt For Being Always Kind, Selfless And Supportive | Juilfs Section 4 | 456 | Chinkapin Oak |
Oliver, Danny | Danny Oliver Always With Me | Beech Acres Section 4 | 417 | Bald Cypress |
Open | Juilfs Section 5 | 523 | Bald Cypress | |
Open | Juilfs Section 6 | 680 | Eastern White Pine | |
Open | Juilfs Section 6 | 675 | Eastern White Pine | |
Open | Juilfs Section 6 | 674 | Eastern White Pine | |
Open | Juilfs Section 6 | 673 | Eastern White Pine | |
Open | Juilfs Section 6 | 669 | Eastern White Pine | |
Open | Juilfs Section 6 | 660 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | Juilfs Section 6 | 631 | Eastern White Pine | |
Open | Juilfs Section 6 | 629 | Eastern White Pine | |
Open | Juilfs Section 6 | 628 | Eastern White Pine | |
Open | Juilfs Section 6 | 614 | Magnolia | |
Open | Juilfs Section 6 | 612 | Eastern Redbud | |
Open | Juilfs Section 6 | 603 | Moraine Honeylocust | |
Open | Juilfs Section 6 | 601 | Magnolia | |
Open | Juilfs Section 5 | 575 | Pin Oak | |
Open | Juilfs Section 5 | 533 | Eastern Red Pine | |
Open | Juilfs Section 5 | 518 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | Juilfs Section 5 | 517 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | Juilfs Section 5 | 515 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | Juilfs Section 5 | 514 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | Juilfs Section 5 | 502 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | Juilfs Section 5 | 501 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 4 | 450 | Purple Ash | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 4 | 449 | Norway Maple | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 4 | 448 | Honey Locust | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 4 | 447 | American Sweetgum | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 4 | 445 | Shumardii Oak | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 4 | 444 | Honey Locust | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 4 | 443 | Purple Ash | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 4 | 440 | Norway Maple | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 4 | 439A | Oak | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 4 | 439B | American Sweetgum | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 4 | 437 | Sweetgum | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 4 | 435 | Elm | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 4 | 413 | Crabapple | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 3 | 331 | Sugar Maple | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 3 | 330 | Honey Locust | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 3 | 329 | American Sweetgum | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 3 | 328 | Sycamore | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 3 | 325 | Kentucky Coffee Tree | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 3 | 324 | Kentucky Coffee Tree | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 3 | 323 | Chokecherry | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 3 | 322 | Kentucky Coffee Tree | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 3 | 321 | Chokecherry | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 3 | 318 | Red Sunset Maple | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 3 | 317 | Honey Locust | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 3 | 315 | Sycamore | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 3 | 313 | American Sweetgum | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 3 | 312 | Sycamore | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 3 | 310 | Red Sunset Maple | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 3 | 309 | Honey Locust | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 3 | 308 | American Sweetgum | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 3 | 307 | Sycamore | |
Open | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 291 | Colorado Blue Spruce | |
Open | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 281 | Bald Cypress | |
Open | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 280 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 279 | Bald Cypress | |
Open | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 277 | Eastern White Pine | |
Open | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 271 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 260 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 259 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 258 | Pin Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 257 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 256 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 255 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 253 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 252 | Chinkapin Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 251 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 250 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 249 | Bald Cypress | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 248 | Bald Cypress | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 247 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 246 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 245 | Pin Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 244 | Zelkova | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 243 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 242 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 241 | Red Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 240 | Red Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 239 | White Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 238 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 237 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 236 | Laurel Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 235 | Red Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 234 | Red Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 233 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 232 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 231 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 230 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 2 | 229 | Pin Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 229 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 2 | 228 | Swamp White Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 228 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 2 | 227 | Pin Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 227 | Elm | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 226 | Red Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 225 | White Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 224 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 223 | Pin Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 222 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 221 | White Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 220 | Linden | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 219 | White Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 218 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 217 | Red Maple | |
Open | Beech Acres Section 2 | 216 | Kentucky Coffee Tree | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 216 | Laurel Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 215 | Sweetgum | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 214 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 213 | Pin Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 212 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 211 | Linden | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 210 | Filbert | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 209 | Laurel Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 209 | White Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 208 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 208 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 207 | Linden | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 206 | White Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 206 | White Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 205 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 205 | White Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 204 | White Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 204 | Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 203 | Frontier Elm | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 203 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 202 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 202 | Sweetgum | |
Open | Riverside Section 2 | 201 | Riverbirch | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 201 | Linden | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 189 | White Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 188 | Hackberry | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 186 | Red Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 185 | Red Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 184 | Ginko | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 184 | Kentucky Coffee Tree | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 183 | White Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 182 | Laurel Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 182 | White Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 181 | Honey locust | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 181 | Sycamore | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 180 | Elm | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 180 | Scarlet Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 179 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 179 | Hackberry | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 178 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 178 | Birch | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 177 | Whtie Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 177 | Bald Cypress | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 176 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 176 | Bald Cypress | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 175 | Elm | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 175 | Bald Cypress | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 174 | Red Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 174 | Sycamore | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 173 | Birch | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 173 | Bur Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 172 | Red Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 172 | Elm | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 171 | Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 171 | Hickory | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 170 | Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 170 | Red Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 169 | Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 168 | Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 168 | Ginko | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 167 | Crabapple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 167 | Sycamore | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 166 | Crabapple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 166 | Shumard Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 165 | Japanese Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 165 | Kentucky Coffee Tree | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 164 | Bur Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 163 | Honeylocust | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 163 | Sweetgum | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 162 | Honeylocust | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 162 | Elm | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 161 | Honeylocust | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 161 | Beech | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 160 | Cleveland Select Pear | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 160 | Red Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 159 | Cleveland Select Pear | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 158 | Hickory | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 157 | Sweetgum | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 156 | Kentucky Coffee Tree | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 155 | Mulberry | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 155 | Sweetgum | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 154 | Cottonwood | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 154 | Bur Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 153 | Tulip Poplar | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 152 | Beech | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 151 | Pin Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 151 | White Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 150 | Sweetgum | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 150 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 149 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 149 | White Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 148 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 147 | Black Tupelo | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 146 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 145 | Sweetgum | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 144 | Red Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 144 | Red Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 143 | Sycamore | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 142 | Elm | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 141 | Sugar Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 140 | Poplar | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 139 | Flowering Cherry | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 139 | Black Tupelo | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 138 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 138 | Sugar Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 137 | Elm | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 137 | White Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 136 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 136 | Elm | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 135 | White Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 135 | Elm | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 134 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 134 | Shumard Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 133 | Crabapple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 133 | Sweetgum | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 132 | Linden | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 132 | Norway Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 131 | Sweetgum | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 131 | Red Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 130 | Red Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 130 | White Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 129 | Elm | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 129 | Red Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 128 | Sweetgum | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 128 | Basswood | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 127 | To Be Replaced | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 127 | Poplar | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 126 | Sweetgum | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 126 | White Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 125 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 125 | Sweetgum | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 124 | Pin Oak |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 124 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 123 | Red Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 123 | Shumard Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 122 | Red Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 121 | Sweetgum | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 120 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 120 | Sweetgum | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 119 | Pin Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 119 | Bur Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 118 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 118 | Red Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 117 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 117 | Elm | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 116 | Sweetgum | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 116 | Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 115 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 115 | Linden | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 114 | Pin Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 113 | Laurel Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 112 | Pin Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 112 | Sweetgum | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 111 | Sweetgum | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 110 | Pin Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 110 | Red Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 109 | Honeylocust | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 109 | Sugar Maple | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 108 | Sweetgum | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 108 | Bur Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 107 | White Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 107 | Elm | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 106 | Sweetgum | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 106 | Shumard Oak | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 105 | Elm | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 104 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Juilfs Section 1 | 103 | Elm | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 103 | White Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 103 | Sweetgum | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 102 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 102 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | Juilfs Section 1 | 101 | Elm | |
Open | Riverside Section 1 | 101 | Flowering Cherry | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 101 | Bur Oak | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 80 | Silver Maple | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 79 | Red Oak | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 78 | Pin Oak | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 77 | Elm | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 76 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 75 | Pin Oak | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 74 | Elm | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 73 | Honeylocust | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 73 | Bur Oak | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 72 | Sweetgum | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 71 | Pin Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 71 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 70 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 69 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 69 | Birch | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 68 | White Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 68 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 67 | Sweetgum | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 66 | Redsunset Maple | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 65 | Honeylocust | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 65 | Birch | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 64 | Red Oak | |
Open | Veterans Park | 63 | Magnolia | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 63 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 63 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 62 | Sweetgum | |
Open | Veterans Park | 61 | Japanese Maple | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 61 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 61 | Red Oak | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 60 | Pin Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 60 | Elm | |
Open | Veterans Park | 59 | Crabapple | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 58 | Sweetgum | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 58 | Pin Oak | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 57 | Pin Oak | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 56 | Sycamore | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 56 | Hackberry | |
Open | Veterans Park | 55 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 55 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | Veterans Park | 54 | Red Oak | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 54 | Honeylocust | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 54 | To Be Identified | |
Open | Veterans Park | 53 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 53 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 53 | Dogwood | |
Open | Veterans Park | 52 | Pin Oak | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 52 | Red Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 52 | Magnolia | |
Open | Veterans Park | 51 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 51 | Sycamore | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 51 | Prairiefire Crabapple | |
Open | Veterans Park | 50 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 50 | Pin Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 50 | Redbud | |
Open | Veterans Park | 49 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 49 | Sweetgum | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 49 | Crimson Maple | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 48 | Honeylocust | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 48 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 47 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 47 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Veterans Park | 46 | Elm | |
Open | Veterans Park | 45 | Sweetgum | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 45 | White Oak | |
Open | Veterans Park | 44 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 44 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Veterans Park | 43 | White Pine | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 43 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 43 | Scotch Pine | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 42 | Elm | |
Open | Veterans Park | 41 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 41 | White Birch | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 41 | Hickory | |
Open | Veterans Park | 40 | Elm | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 40 | White Birch | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 40 | White Oak | |
Open | Veterans Park | 39 | Walnut | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 39 | Prairie Crabapple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 39 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Veterans Park | 38 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 38 | Prairie Crabapple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 38 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Veterans Park | 37 | Elm | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 37 | Red Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 37 | Hickory | |
Open | Veterans Park | 36 | White Oak | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 36 | Norway Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 36 | Birch | |
Open | Veterans Park | 35 | Sweetgum | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 35 | Bald Cypress | |
Open | Veterans Park | 34 | Bur Oak | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 34 | Red Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 34 | Redbud | |
Open | Veterans Park | 33 | Walnut | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 33 | Sweetgum | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 33 | Birch | |
Open | Veterans Park | 32 | Walnut | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 32 | Elm | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 32 | Sweetgum | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 31 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 31 | White Oak | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 30 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 30 | White Oak | |
Open | Veterans Park | 29 | Oak | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 29 | Honeylocust | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 29 | Red Cedar | |
Open | Veterans Park | 28 | Bur Oak | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 28 | Honeylocust | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 28 | Pin Oak | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 27 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 27 | Elm | |
Open | Veterans Park | 26 | Elm | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 26 | Linden | |
Open | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 26 | Green Giant | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 25 | Red Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 25 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 25 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 24 | Sweetgum | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 24 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 23 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 23 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 23 | Green Giant | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 22 | Honeylocust | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 22 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 22 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | Kellogg Park | 21 | Birch | |
Open | Veterans Park | 21 | Bald Cypress | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 21 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 21 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 21 | Green Giant | |
Open | Kellogg Park | 20 | Serviceberry | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 20 | Sweetgum | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 20 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 20 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | Kellogg Park | 19 | Silver Maple | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 19 | Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 19 | Honeylocust | |
Open | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 19 | Siberian Spruce | |
Open | Kellogg Park | 18 | White Oak | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 18 | Honeylocust | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 18 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 18 | Green Giant | |
Open | Kellogg Park | 17 | Pin Oak | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 17 | Sweetgum | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 17 | Honeylocust | |
Open | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 17 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | Kellogg Park | 16 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 16 | Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 16 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 16 | Siberian Spruce | |
Open | Kellogg Park | 15 | Ash | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 15 | Sweetgum | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 15 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | Kellogg Park | 14 | Zelkova | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 14 | Honeylocust | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 14 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | Kellogg Park | 13 | Redbud | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 13 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 13 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Kellogg Park | 12 | Redbud | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 12 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Laverty Park Map To Come | 12 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 12 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | Kellogg Park | 11 | Hackberry | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 11 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | Laverty Park Map To Come | 11 | Honeylocust | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 11 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | Kellogg Park | 10 | Oak | |
Open | Veterans Park | 10 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 10 | Armstrong Maple | |
Open | Laverty Park Map To Come | 10 | White Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 10 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 10 | Crimson Maple | |
Open | Kellogg Park | 9 | Sweetgum | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 9 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Laverty Park Map To Come | 9 | Elm | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 9 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 9 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Kellogg Park | 8 | Sycamore | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 8 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Laverty Park Map To Come | 8 | Birch | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 8 | Norway Spruce | |
Open | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 8 | Zelkova | |
Open | Kellogg Park | 7 | Red Oak | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 7 | Sweetgum | |
Open | Laverty Park Map To Come | 7 | Pin Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 7 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 7 | Sweetgum | |
Open | Kellogg Park | 6 | Pin Oak | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 6 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Laverty Park Map To Come | 6 | White Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 6 | Pin Oak | |
Open | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 6 | White Oak | |
Open | Veterans Park | 5 | Red Maple | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 5 | Red Oak | |
Open | Laverty Park Map To Come | 5 | Laurel Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 5 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 5 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | Kellogg Park | 4 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 4 | Shingle Oak | |
Open | Laverty Park Map To Come | 4 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 4 | Red Oak | |
Open | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 4 | Sweetgum | |
Open | Kellogg Park | 3 | Red Maple | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 3 | Honeylocust | |
Open | Laverty Park Map To Come | 3 | Honeylocust | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 3 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 3 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | Kellogg Park | 2 | Red Maple | |
Open | Veterans Park | 2 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 2 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | Laverty Park Map To Come | 2 | Elm | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 2 | October Glory Maple | |
Open | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 2 | Autumn Blaze Maple | |
Open | Kellogg Park | 1 | Red Maple | |
Open | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 1 | Pin Oak | |
Open | Laverty Park Map To Come | 1 | Pin Oak | |
Open | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 1 | Sweetgum | |
Open | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 1 | Zelkova | |
Oppenheimer, Laura | In Memory of Laura Oppenheimer 2004 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 210 | Pin Oak |
Ott, Jill | In Memory of Jill Mischler Ott 1967 - 2006 | Juilfs Section 1 | 139 | Red Maple |
Pack 867 | Cubs Scouts 75th Anniversary 1930 - 2005 Pack 867 | Veterans Park | 14 | White Oak |
Padgett, Amy Ryerson | In Memory of Amy Ryerson Padgett 1967 - 2021 Walking With Dad | Juilfs Section 1 | 147 | Sycamore |
Palmisano, Ann | In Memory of Barb Wolf's Sister, Ann Palmisano 1959-2020 | Juilfs Section 6 | 678 | Eastern White Pine |
Papner, Donald F. | In Memory Of Donald F. Papner 1930-2020 | Juilfs Section 5 | 524 | Norway Spruce |
Park, Jeehan | Jeehan Park June 9, 2021 Music Is My Life | Beech Acres Section 4 | 434 | White Oak |
Park, Jeehan | This Freedom Tree is Sponsored by This Freedom Tree is Sponsored by Jeehan Park June 9, 2021 Music Is My Life | Beech Acres Section 1 | 126 | Honey Locust |
Parks, Carlton | In God's Hands Carlton Parks Sr. 2002 | Juilfs Section 5 | 571 | Moraine Honeylocust |
Parobek, Jeff | Love You Forever Jeff Parobek 1987 - 2016 May His Smile Rest In Our Hearts Go Bucks! | Veterans Park | 23 | Red Maple |
Paroz, Rene | Rene Paroz Husband, Son, Father, Pappy, Brother, Leader Always Loved Never Forgotten | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 274 | Norway Spruce |
Pasco, Peter | In Loving Memory of Peter N. Pasco Jr 2002 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 242 | October Glory Maple |
Pavlik, Dave and Millie | Love You Forever Dave and Millie Pavlik | Beech Acres Section 2 | 244 | Pin Oak |
Payne, Fred | In Memory of Fred Payne 2005 I John 5:14-15 | Beech Acres Section 4 | 403 | Laurel Oak |
Payne, John | In Loving Memory of John "Jay" Payne 1997 | Juilfs Section 5 | 548 | Red Maple |
Payne, Kyleen | In Memory of Kyleen Payne 2005 Prov 31:28 | Beech Acres Section 4 | 404 | Laurel Oak |
Pearson, Jack | In Memory of Jack Pearson 1922-2004 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 103 | American Sweetgum |
Perazzo, Jolon | Never Forgotten Jolon Perazzo | Juilfs Section 1 | 130 | Sycamore |
Perler-Tomboly, Imre | Imre Perler-Tomboly 1996-2012 Hey Mister Collie Man, Why Don't You Come Round No More? | Beech Acres Section 4 | 441 | Sycamore |
Peters, Phyllis | In Memory of Phyllis C. Peters 1944 - 20014 May Birds & Squirrels Enjoy My Tree | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 240 | Swamp White Oak |
Pfeffer, Bob | In Memory of "Bob" Robert W. Pfeffer 1920-1977 Missed By All | Beech Acres Section 2 | 201 | Kentucky Coffee Tree |
Phelps, Edd | Edd Phelps 1950-2017 Coco's Loving Dad & Friends To All You Are Missed! | Kellogg Park | 22 | Maple |
Piper | In Memory of Piper Always By Our Side In Our Hearts Forever | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 169 | Walnut |
Poe, Joann | In Loving Memory of Joann Poe 2005 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 207 | Red Sunset Maple |
Pohlmeyer, Jack | In Memory of Jack Arthur Pohlmeyer 2003 | Juilfs Section 5 | 570 | Pin Oak |
Pohlmeyer, Lou | In Memory of Lou Pohlmeyer 2012 | Juilfs Section 5 | 562 | Red Maple |
Pohlmeyer, Mark | In Memory of Mark Robert Pohlmeyer USN 1986 | Juilfs Section 5 | 566 | Pin Oak |
Pope, John W. | Love Always and Forever John W. Pope Till We Meet Again | Beech Acres Section 4 | 422 | Bald Cypress |
Potluri, Murali | In Memory of Murali K. Potluri 1962 1998 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 249 | White Ash |
Potter, Ellen | In Loving Memory of Ellen Potter | Juilfs Section 4 | 408 | Sweet Gum |
Powers, Honor | Our Beloved Angel Honor Powers We Love You | Beech Acres Section 4 | 442 | Norway Maple |
Preston, Sylvia | In Loving Memory Sylvia E. Preston 1930 - 2002 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 232A | October Glory Maple |
Price, Mary | In Memory of Mary E Price Free Spirit Mother Baba | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 214 | Pin Oak |
Proctor, Roy | In Loving Memory of Roy Proctor | Beech Acres Section 3 | 303 | Autumn Blaze Maple |
Puentes, Norma | In Loving Memory of Norma Puentes 2021 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 289 | Bald Cypress |
Quinn, Irene | Always in Our Hearts Irene Quinn 2002 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 239 | Oak |
Quinn, Kevin | In Loving Memory of Kevin Quinn 1963-2023 | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 114 | Elm |
Quinn, Sue | In Loving Memory of Sue Quinn 1942-2022 | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 113 | Autumn Blaze Maple |
Rachlin, Norma | In Memory of Norma Rachlin's David | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 299 | Red Maple |
Rahe, Darrell | In Loving Memory of Darrell Rahe Honey I'm Working On It 1955 - 2024 | Beech Acres Section 4 | 415 | American Sweetgum |
Rasper, Bill | In Memory Of: Bill Rasper 1955-2018 "The Love Of My Life" Linny | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 207 | Sweetgum |
Rees, Bob | In Memory of Bob Rees Husband, Father, Grandfather, Friend 2015 | Juilfs Section 4 | 409 | American Sycamore |
Reeves, Robert | In Memory of Robert Reeves 1936 - 2024 | Juilfs Section 6 | 625 | Eastern White Pine |
Rennekamp, Millie | Millie Rennekamp 2015 Who Rescued Who? | Juilfs Section 4 | 405 | Ohio Buckeye |
Reynolds, Charles and Latrena | In Memory of Charles and Latrena Reynolds | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 297 | Red Maple |
Richards, Tom | In Memory of Tom Richards 1952 - 1996 Husband, Father, Brother & Son Always With Us | Juilfs Section 5 | 563 | October Glory Maple |
Rigdon, Gail Kissinger | In Memory of Gail Kissinger Rigdon 8/19/41-3/29/22 Life Is A Snapshot In Time | Juilfs Section 4 | 455 | Buckeye |
Righter, Patsy | In Memory of Patsy Righter 1995 | Juilfs Section 6 | 645 | Eastern Redbud |
Rile Family | Rile Family Est. 1995 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 227 | Pin Oak |
Ris, Elizabeth | In Loving Memory of Elizabeth G. Ris 2011 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 156 | Honey Locust |
Roberts, Bob | In Memory of Bob Roberts 2003 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 120 | Honey Locust |
Roehr, Barbara | In Memory of Barbara Roehr 2002 | Juilfs Section 4 | 429 | Austrian Pine |
Roflow, Lindsey | Always in Our Hearts Lindsey Roflow 1987-2016 Love, Your Family | Juilfs Section 6 | 663 | Redbud |
Rogers, Margie | In Memory of Margie Rogers 1997 | Juilfs Section 5 | 568 | Pin Oak |
Rolf Monument | Rolf Monument C. Since 1895 | Beech Acres Section 3 | 301 | Autumn Blaze Maple |
Rolfes, Gregory | Gregory Rolfes 4/1964 - 10/2015 Amazing Father, Coach And Friend | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 42 | Sweetgum |
Rose, Beverly Rich | In Loving Memory of Beverly Rose Rich 1949 - 2016 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 206A | Prairie Fire Crabapple |
Rosenhoffer, Chris | Loving Memory of Judge Chris Rosenhoffer 1999 | Juilfs Section 5 | 553 | Prairie Fire Crabapple |
Rosser, Alan | In Memory of Alan "Chip" Rosser 2001 | Juilfs Section 5 | 559 | Moraine Honeylocust |
Roush, Mary | In Loving Memory of Mary Roush 2013 We Miss You | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 314 | Sweet Gum |
Rowitz, Roger & Laurie McGrail | True Love, When It Comes, Is Always Worth The Wait! Roger Rowitz & Laurie McGrail | Juilfs Section 6 | 658 | Lowland Hackberry |
Rowland, Glendon | In Loving Memory of Glendon Rowland 1937-2007 We Love You | Beech Acres Section 1 | 164 | Weeping Cherry |
Ruddy, Marjorie | In Loving Memory of Marjorie L. Ruddy We Love You 6-21-2004 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 217 | Dogwood |
Rudolph, Ken | In Loving Memory of Ken Rudolph 1933-2019 | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 46 | October Glory Maple |
Rudolph, Mary | In Loving Memory of Mary Rudolph 1935-2014 | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 46 | October Glory Maple |
Rudolph, Patty | In Loving Memory of Patty Rudolph 1940 - 2023 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 140 | Katsura Tree |
Ruther, Joanne | In Loving Memory of Joanne Ruther "Mom" "Lady J" "Mimi" 1950-2020 | Juilfs Section 4 | 436 | Snowcone Japanese Snowbell |
Ruther, Joanne | Joanne Ruther 1950-2020 ...Now Walking With The Angels | Beech Acres Section 4 | 416 | October Glory Maple |
Ruther, Walt | Walt Ruther 1943-2020 I'm Right Behind You Joanne | Beech Acres Section 4 | 416 | October Glory Maple |
Rybolt, Annette Renee | In Loving Memory of Annette Renee Rybolt | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 13 | Sweetgum |
Rybolt, Tim | In Loving Memory of Our Brother and Friend Tim Rybolt | State & Nagel Park Map To Come | 12 | White Oak |
Ryerson, Gary and Judy | In Memory of Ryerson Gary & Judy 2009 | Juilfs Section 1 | 147 | Sycamore |
Salter, Catherine | In Memory of Catherine P. Salter September 11, 2001 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 224 | Pin Oak |
Sampieri, Norman | In Memory of Norman "Sam" Sampieri 1998 | Juilfs Section 6 | 650 | Red Cherry |
Sanders Heyl, Mary | In Memory of "Mom" Mary H. Sanders Heyl 1960-2020 We Hope You Enjoy Walking In Heaven As Much As You Did On Earth | Beech Acres Section 1 | 146 | Star Magnolia |
Sanders, Geri & Bobby | Geri & Bobby Sanders Anderson is Home | Beech Acres Section 4 | 451 | Sawtooth Oak |
Sandmans | The Sandmans Christmas 2002 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 119 | Ivory Silk Lilac |
Santen, Irma and Jerry | In Memory of Irma & Jerry Santen 1999 | Juilfs Section 5 | 534 | Red Maple |
Scheele, Joe and Shirley | In Memory of Joe & Shirley Scheele 2000 2005 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 203 | American Sweet Gum |
Scherzinger, Mike | In Loving Memory Mike Scherzinger 1954 - 2013 | Juilfs Section 4 | 401 | Red Maple |
Schindler, Richard | "Love You More" Richard "Ricky P" Schindler 1946-2019 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 177 | October Glory Maple |
Schmidt, Elmer | In Memory of Our Neighbor Elmer Schmidt | Beech Acres Section 1 | 121 | Red Chokecherry |
Schmidt, Jeni | In Loving Memory Jeni Tepe Schmidt 1982 - 2024 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 287 | Norway Spruce |
Schneider, John Robert | John Robert Schneider Forever In Our Hearts | Beech Acres Section 2 | 203 | Red Sunset Maple |
Schoendorf, Agnes | In Memory of Agnes Schoendorf 2007 | Juilfs Section 1 | 126 | Northern Red Oak |
Schott, Jeff | In Loving Memory Jeff Schott | Veterans Park | 57 | Cleveland Select Pear |
Schube, Caroline | In Honor of Caroline Schube 1999 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 302 | Autumn Blaze Maple |
Schube, Hannah | In Honor of Hannah Schube 1999 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 307 | Sycamore |
Schwartz, Maddie | Maddie Schwartz Forever In Our Hearts 2011 | Juilfs Section 1 | 127 | Sugar Maple |
Seibert, David | In Memory of David W Seibert 2003 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 305 | Linden |
Sekula, Laura | Laura Sekula We Will Always Love You And Miss You Forever. Love, Your Family | Beech Acres Section 1 | 150 | American Sweetgum |
Seley, Eleanor Grace | Eleanor Grace Seley Held In Our Arms For a Moment, Held In Our Hearts Forever. | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 186 | Shumard Oak |
Seta, Julie | In Memory of Julie P Seta 2010 | Juilfs Section 6 | 619 | Japanese Maple |
Sexton, Karen | Our Memories of Karen D. Sexton 4-3-44 - 6-11-23 Loving, Caring Kind, Inspiring | Juilfs Section 4 | 458 | To Be Identified |
Sharp, Elizabeth and Whitaker, Ethel | In Memory of Elizabeth Sharp 1966-2021 Ethel Whitaker 1938-2022 | Juilfs Section 6 | 624 | Eastern White Pine |
Sherman, Dan | In Memory of Dan Sherman 2007 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 211 | Hawthorn |
Sherwood Forest | A Gift From Sherwood Forest Garden Club | Beech Acres Section 2 | 261 | Cleveland Select Pear |
Shipley, Jeremy | In Loving Memory of Jeremy Shipley A Great Son and a Loyal Friend | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 211 | Blackgum |
Short, Roger | In Honor of Roger Short | Beech Acres Section 4 | 408 | Purple Ash |
Shue, Frank | Frank Shue Jr. 8/5/1930 - 2/23/2013 Beloved Brother, Father, Uncle, Dear Life Partner | Beech Acres Section 2 | 226 | Zelkova |
Shue, Vernon | In Memory of Vernon Jackson Shue 2-8-1933 To 5-28-2007 Beloved Brother, Husband Father | Beech Acres Section 2 | 225 | Autumn Blaze Maple |
Shumrick, Julie | Julie Shumrick Loving Wife, Mother, Sister 1960-2019 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 315 | Swamp White Oak |
Sieber, Margaret | In Memory of Margaret C. Sieber Green Grubbers Garden Club 2014 | Juilfs Section 6 | 609 | Filbert |
Sieck, Carol | Wife, Mother Grandma, Artist Dancer, Lover Carol R. Sieck Unforgettable | Beech Acres Section 2 | 237 | Purple Ash |
Sieck, Paul E. | Husband, Father Grandpa, Poet Dancer, Lover Paul E. Sieck Extraordinary | Beech Acres Section 2 | 237 | Purple Ash |
Sigler, Lillian Kate | Forever In Our Hearts Lillian Kate Sigler August 30, 2020 | Juilfs Section 1 | 128 | Red Oak |
Simon, Vic | In Memory of Vic Simon 1946-2018 | Veterans Park | 64 | Cleveland Select Pear |
Sinclair, Jennifer | Always Loved. Never Forgotten. Forever Missed. Jennifer Sinclair | Juilfs Section 4 | 443 | Pin Oak |
Singleton, James | In Memory of James Singleton Our Dear Friend and Neighbor | Beech Acres Section 4 | 429 | Purple Ash |
Slaney, Eric | Eric L. Slaney Still Alive For Now | Juilfs Section 4 | 415 | Chinkapin Oak |
Slaney, Llewellyn | In Memory of Llewellyn Thomas Slaney 1938 - 2011 | Juilfs Section 1 | 118 | Bald Cypress |
Slaney, Tahoe | In Honor of Tahoe Slaney 2009 - 2020 | Juilfs Section 5 | 528 | Bald Cypress |
Slaney, Ted | Ted F. Slaney 1950 - 2018 | Juilfs Section 1 | 125 | Removed- Storm Damage. Tree will be replaced at a nearby location. |
Slaney, Timber | In Honor of Timber Slaney 1995 - 2009 | Juilfs Section 5 | 527 | Bald Cypress |
Slattery II, Steven | In Memory of Steven E. Slattery II 1986 - 2003 | Juilfs Section 1 | 155 | Autumn Purple Ash |
Sloan, Don | In Loving Memory Don Sloan 1940 - 2022 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 105 | Silver Maple |
Slone, Dennis | In Memory of Dennis Slone 2010 | Beech Acres Section 4 | 402 | Red Oak |
Smith, Michael C | In Loving Memory of Michael C. Smith 9/20/62-11/2/14 Husband, Father, Grandfather | Beech Acres Section 4 | 421 | Sycamore |
Smith, Oscar and Juanita | In Memory of Oscar & Juanita Smith 2006 | Juilfs Section 1 | 140 | Swamp White Oak |
Smoothy | The One The Only Smoothy | Juilfs Section 4 | 448 | Norway Spruce |
Sobczak, Julia | In Loving Memory of Julia M Sobczak 1919-2010 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 212 | Snow Drift Crabapple |
Solimine, Nick and John | In Honor of Nick & John Solimine 1997 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 308 | Red Maple |
Sonnenberg, Patricia | In Loving Memory Patricia Sonnenberg Unforgettable | Juilfs Section 1 | 177 | Red Maple |
Sovilla, Sammy | Sammy Sovilla 1971 - 1978 Each Day a Gift | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 234 | Red Maple |
Sowma, Joseph | Your Will Be Done Joseph Sowma | Beech Acres Section 4 | 433 | Sugar Maple |
Sowma, Joseph | This Freedom Tree is Sponsored by Your Will Be Done Josephy Sowma | Beech Acres Section 1 | 127 | Honey Locust |
Spindler, Gordon & Mary Jo | Gordon & Mary Jo Spindler Love For God's Nature, Family, And Friends Forever | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 121 | Poplar |
Spohr III, George | In Memory of George Albert Spohr III 2013 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 243 | Laurel Oak |
Spohr, Maura | In Loving Memory Maura Spohr 2016 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 209 | Prairie Fire Crabapple |
Sponsler, Aileen | In Memory of Aileen Sponsler 2002 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 294 | Hawthorne |
Stancescu, Constantin | Forever In Our Hearts Constantin Stancescu "Bunicu" 1943-2018 Love, Your Family | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 292 | White Pine |
Staubach, Paul | Paul Staubach 1960-2020 Husband, Dad, Grandpa, Friend We Miss You | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 185 | Sweetgum |
Staubach, Paul D. | Paul D. Staubach 9/26/60 - 5/9/20 Look At The Stars Look How They Shine For You. | Juilfs Section 4 | 437 | European Holly |
Stautberg, Don and Barabar | In Honor of Don & Barbara Stautberg | Beech Acres Section 1 | 155 | Honey Locust |
Stautberg, Julie | In Memory of Judge Julie Stautberg | Beech Acres Section 1 | 154 | Swamp White Oak |
Steigerwald, Colby | Colby Steigerwald "Keep On Truckin" 2001-2006 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 246 | Armstrong Maple |
Steigerwald, Richard | Richard 'Dick' Steigerwald Husband, Dad Grandpa, Brother | Beech Acres Section 2 | 246 | Armstrong Maple |
Steinmetz, Ada and Bob | In Loving Memory of Ada & Bob Steinmetz God Bless You Both | Beech Acres Section 2 | 259 | Cleveland Select Pear |
Stephens, Eve | In Loving Memory of Eve Stephens 1937 - 2015 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 231 | Sycamore |
Sternberg, Linda | In Memory of Linda A. Sternberg This Is Not Goodbye It's Until We Meet Again Love You Mom! | Veterans Park | 60 | Magnolia |
Stewart, William | In Memory of William R. Stewart 1925 - 2006 | Juilfs Section 5 | 510 | Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry |
Stickley, Linda | In Memory of Linda Stickley Sept. 27, 1998 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 208 | October Glory Maple |
Stocker, Angie | Angie Stocker Board of Park Commissioners Years of Service: 2010-2019 | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 62 | Autumn Blaze Maple |
Stone, Mitch | Mitch Stone 1997-2021 Kind, Genuine, Resilient And Funny. The Best Of Us. | Beech Acres Section 1 | 128 | Star Magnolia |
Stone, Mitch | Mitch Stone 1997-2021 Kind, Genuine, Resilient, And Funny. The Best of Us. | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 57 | Serviceberry |
Stone, Thomas | In Memory of Thomas Stone 1996 | Juilfs Section 5 | 511 | Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry |
Streb, Jim | In Loving Memory of Jim Streb 1998 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 213 | October Glory Maple |
Strunk, Brian | Serving the Community Through Scouting Brian Strunk 2004 | Juilfs Section 4 | 440 | White Oak |
Sturgill, Lige | In Memory of Lige Sturgill 2000 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 295 | October Glory Maple |
Sturgill, Paul | In Memory of Lige - 2000 Paul - 2008 Sturgill | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 295 | October Glory Maple |
Sublett, Mary Ann | In Memory of Mary Ann Sublett 2006 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 267 | Swamp White Oak |
Sublett, Steve | Steve Subblett Operations Landscaper Years of Service: 1994-2024 Thank you for your 30 years of service to the Anderson Park District. Enjoy retirement! | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 232B | Red Oak |
Sullivan, Frances and Robert | In Loving Memory of Frances W. Sullivan 1919-2008 Robert B. Sullivan 1917-2007 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 204 | Kentucky Coffee Tree |
Summit Daisy Troop | Summit Elementary Daisy Troop 8293 May 2003 | Juilfs Section 6 | 652 | White Birch |
Sutphin, Jill | In Loving Memory Jill Sutphin From Your Many Friends | Beech Acres Section 2 | 222 | Swamp White Oak |
Sydney | Sydney 12/28/2003 - 8/21/2018 Loving, Joyful Friend | Beech Acres Section 1 | 142 | Red Sunset Maple |
Tanner, Alex | In Memory of Alex Tanner 2020 | Riverside Section 1 | 145 | Sweetgum |
Tavernelli, Joe | In Loving Memory of Joe Tavernelli We Love You Grandpa T! | Juilfs Section 4 | 449 | Tulip |
Taylor, Deb | Deb Taylor Gone But Ever Loving 1952 - 2000 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 221 | Pin Oak |
Taylor, Pat | Always Loved Pat Taylor In Loving Memory Your Varsity Family | Juilfs Section 6 | 613 | Flowering Cherry |
Thaker, Hansakumari | In Memory of Hansakumari J. Thaker | Juilfs Section 6 | 605 | Eastern White Pine |
Tillinghast, William | In Memory of William Tillinghast | Juilfs Section 6 | 635 | Red Maple |
Timmers, Dan | In Memory of Dan Timmers 2013 | Juilfs Section 4 | 413 | Honey Locust |
Tiny and Pat | Walking Together Tiny & Pat Best Friends | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 285 | Bald Cypress |
Toby, Nini, Luyi, Lyfu | Toby, Nini, Luyi, Lyfu. We Love You Sweetie. | Juilfs Section 6 | 671 | Eastern White Pine |
Todd & Gizmo | It's A Nice Day For A Stroll...Todd & Gizmo 2017 | Juilfs Section 1 | 132 | Silver Maple |
Toft, Bob | In Memory of Bob Toft 1939 - 2000 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 243 | Eastern White Pine |
Toft, Brian | Best Pop Pop Best Dad Best Husband We Love You Brian Toft Your Girls | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 253 | Austrian Pine |
Tometich, Carol Ann | In Memory of Carol Ann Tometich "Our Sweet Pea" 1957 - 1981 | Juilfs Section 4 | 422 | Eastern Redbud |
Toothman, Meagan | In Loving Memory of Meagan Toothman Always in Our Hearts | Juilfs Section 1 | 174 | Laurel Oak |
True, Jim | In Memory of Jim True 1992 | Juilfs Section 6 | 679 | Harvest Gold Crabappple |
Turchiano, Tom | Tom Turchiano Board of Park Commissioners Years of Service: 2012-2024 | WM Johnson Hills Park Map To Come | 59 | Sycamore |
Uncle Johnny | Who Dey! We Love You Uncle Johnny 2005 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 165 | October Glory Maple |
Uncle Pig | In Loving Memory of Our Uncle Pig | Beech Acres Section 1 | 107 | Pin Oak |
Valle, Geno | In Memory of Geno Valle 1996 | Juilfs Section 6 | 642 | Kousa Dogwood |
Valle, Ryan | In Memory of Ryan Eugene Valle 1994 | Juilfs Section 6 | 643 | Serviceberry |
Vance, George | This is For My Son George Vance In Whom I Am Well Pleased M.V. | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 264 | Shingle Oak |
Vascellaro, Matthew and Helen | In Memory of Matthew C. (1993) and Helen (1999) Vascellaro | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 202 | Pin Oak |
Vaughn, Jerry | Sweet Memory Loving Wife & Mom Jerry Vaughn 2011 | Juilfs Section 6 | 662 | Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry |
Vaughn, Jerry | Sweet Memory Loving Wife & Mom | Juilfs Section 4 | 419A | Landscape |
Ventre, Lisa | In Loving Memory of Lisa Ventre | Beech Acres Section 2 | 238 | Honey Locust |
Vest, Paul and Janet | In Honor of Paul & Janet Vest April 2003 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 255 | Sugar Maple |
Vetterhoeffer, Roberta | In Memory of Our Mother Roberta Vetterhoeffer 1916 - 2006 | Juilfs Section 1 | 129 | Sugar Maple |
Village Preschool | In Honor of The Village Preschool | Juilfs Section 6 | 676 | Eastern White Pine |
Village Preschool | In Honor of The Village Preschool | Beech Acres Section 1 | 143 | River Birch |
Voet, Jeffrey | In Loving Memory Jeffrey A. Voet 4/1/1974 - 7/6/2022 Grateful Dad, Son, & Brother Fare You Well | Beech Acres Park Section 5 Map To Come | 501 | TBD |
Vonderheide, Helen | In Memory of Helen Manne Vonderheide 1926 - 1988 | Juilfs Section 5 | 551 | Swamp White Oak |
VonHoene, Brooke | In Memory of Our Beloved Brooke VonHoene Forever In Our Hearts | Beech Acres Section 1 | 169 | Cleveland Select Pear |
Wagner, Carl | In Memory of Carl Wagner 1933 2010 Always In Our Hearts | Beech Acres Section 2 | 247 | Cleveland Select Pear |
Wagner, Neal F. | In Memory of Neal F. Wagner 1956-2020 Our Euchre Buddy | Beech Acres Section 2 | 218 | Dogwood |
Wagner, Sally | In Memory of Sally Wagner 1933 - 2017 Together Forever | Beech Acres Section 2 | 247 | Cleveland Select Pear |
Ward, Joyce | In Memory of Joyce E. Ward 1935 - 1999 | Juilfs Section 5 | 547 | Autumn Fantasy Maple |
Ward, Ron | In Memorial to Ron Ward Husband Father Grandfather Yesterday's Kids Senior Softball | Riverside Section 1 | 158 | Sweetgum |
Waterkotte, Sharon | In Our Hearts Sharon Nana Waterkotte 2002 | Juilfs Section 1 | 149 | Pin Oak |
Wathey, Bettie | Celebration of Life Bettie Wathey 1927 - 2009 | Juilfs Section 1 | 178 | Pin Oak |
Weidner, Michael | In Memory of Michael Weidner 9-27-98 1-19-06 | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 35 | White Oak |
Weiglein, Sean | In Memory of Sean Patrick Weiglein 1996 | Juilfs Section 5 | 508 | Prairie Fire Crabapple |
Weist, Glenn E. | Glenn E. Weist This Was Poppy's Park | Veterans Park | 13 | Red Oak |
Wessling Tree | Donated By Wessling Tree Service 2004 | Beech Acres Section 3 | 305 | Crimson King Maple |
West, Kenneth | In My Heart You Will Always Stay Remembered Every Day Kenneth O. West | Juilfs Section 6 | 607 | Moraine Honeylocust |
Westerkamp, J. | Our Oak Tree J. Westerkamp We Miss You Your 5 Acorns | Juilfs Section 1 | 119 | Bald Cypress |
Wetzel, Debbie | "In Memory Of Debbie Wetzel. Your Love Grows Here Forever." | Juilfs Section 5 | 521 | Norway Spruce |
Wetzel, Nicholas | In Memory of Nicholas L. Wetzel Loving Son, Brother & Friend 1979-2007 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 159 | Star Magnolia |
Wetzel, Nicholas | In Memory of Nicholas L. Wetzel Loving Son, Brother & Friend 1979-2007 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 137 | October Glory Maple |
Wheatley, Billy | In Memory of Billy Wheatley 1993 | Juilfs Section 6 | 666 | Prairie Fire Crabapple |
Wheatley, Deena | Love You Forever Deena Wheatley 4/19/54-7/8/05 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 234 | Sycamore |
Wheeler, Karen | In Loving Memory of Karen Wheeler 2013 | Juilfs Section 5 | 532 | Bald Cypress |
Whisler, Harold | In Memory of Harold Whisler 2006 | Juilfs Section 1 | 154 | Red Maple |
Whisler, Thomas | In Memory of Thomas Cary Whisler 2001 | Juilfs Section 1 | 154 | Red Maple |
Whiteaker, Don and Betty | In Memory of Don & Betty Whiteaker 2011 | Juilfs Section 1 | 175 | White Oak |
Whitehead, Mama and Papa | In Memory of Mama and Papa Whitehead | Beech Acres Section 1 | 133 | Swamp Oak |
Whoberry, Fred | In Loving Memory Fred Whoberry 6/14/10 You Are In Our Hearts Forever | Beech Acres Section 2 | 232 | October Glory Maple |
Wiedemann, Carl | In Honor of Dr & Mrs Carl F Wiedemann 1997 | Juilfs Section 5 | 573 | Hornbeam |
Wiedman, John and Virginia | In Memory of John "Jack" Wiedman 1917-2003 Virginia Wiedman 1918-2012 | Beech Acres Section 2 | 202 | Kentucky Coffee Tree |
Wilkerson, Sean | Sean Wilkerson March 25, 1982 Aug. 22, 2018 Loved Beyond Measure. | Juilfs Section 4 | 441 | Red Maple |
Willhelm, Susie | On Eagles Wings Susie Konold Willhelm 2001 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 256 | Swamp White Oak |
Williams, Dolores | In Honor of Our Mother Dolores A Williams 1997 | Juilfs Section 6 | 647 | Callery (Bradford) Pear |
Williams, Donald | In Honor of Donald T Williams 1997 | Juilfs Section 6 | 646 | Sweetgum |
Williams, Elizabeth "Beth" | In Memory of Elizabeth "Beth" Williams 1972 - 2023 | Juilfs Section 6 | 608A | Moraine Honeylocust |
Williams, Ronald | In Memory of Ronald J Williams 1997 | Juilfs Section 6 | 648 | Cleveland Select Pear |
Williamson, Earl and Dallas | In Memory of Earl & Dallas Williamson 2001 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 312 | White Oak |
Wilmers, Dorothy and Bob | In Honor of Our Grandparents Dorothy & Bob Wilmers | Beech Acres Section 2 | 251 | Armstrong Maple |
Wilson, Steve | In Honor of Steve Wilson 2005 | Clear Creek Park Map To Come | 45 | Pin Oak |
Wirth, Bobby | In Memory of Bobby Wirth | Juilfs Section 1 | 116 | Bald Cypress |
Witschger, Dee | In Memory of "Dee" Ann M. Witschger July 1926 to August 2007 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 247 | Crabapple- Sargent |
Witschger, Joseph | In Memory of Joseph A Witschger Sr 1926 - 2000 | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 247 | Crabapple- Sargent |
Wood I, Jos. F. and Easter | Leota Harmon Aunt, Great Aunt & Great, Great Aunt | Juilfs Section 1 | 120 | Removed- Storm Damage. Tree will be replaced at a nearby location. |
Wood I, Jos. F. and Easter | Our Heritage Jos. F. and Easter E. Wood I Louis E. and Mil H. Dubuque | Juilfs Section 1 | 120 | Removed- Storm Damage. Tree will be replaced at a nearby location. |
Wood II, Ora Lee | Soulmates Jose. F. Smokey & Ora Lee Wood II | Juilfs Section 1 | 121 | Sugar Maple |
Wood III, Jos F. Sandy | Side By Side Jos F. Sandy Wood III | Juilfs Section 1 | 124 | Removed- Storm Damage. Tree will be replaced at a nearby location. |
Wood IV, Jos. F. | Completing The Family Jeni, Krisi, Alex April, Nicole, Jos. F. Wood IV | Juilfs Section 1 | 123 | Sugar Maple |
Wood, Evan and Sandy | Hand In Hand Evan L. & Sandy M. Wood | Juilfs Section 1 | 122 | Sugar Maple |
Woods, Harvey | In Memory of Our Fellow Parks & Rec Professional Harvey Woods 2001 | Veterans Park | 4 | Maple |
Worth, Winnie | In Loving Memory of Winnie Worth 1999 | Juilfs Section 6 | 649 | Red Cherry |
Yockey, Dottie | In Memory of Dottie Yockey 1931 - 2010 | Beech Acres Section 4 | 411 | October Glory Maple |
Yuhasz | Forever In My (heart pic) Mom, Dad & Debbie Jo Yuhasz | Beech Acres Section 1 | 117 | Shagbark Hickory |
Zangrando, Keri | In Memory of Keri Zangrando 2003 Always in Our Hearts | Juilfs Section 1 | 152 | Autumn Purple Ash |
Zeisler, Michael J. | In Loving Memory Michael J. Zeisler 1941-2019 | Beech Acres Section 4 | 424 | Crimson King Maple |
Zellner, Esther | Forever In My Heart Esther Zellner 1937-2019 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 124 | Buckeye |
Zellner, Joyce | Love You Forever Joyce A. Zellner 1933-2003 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 109 | Red Sunset Maple |
Zellner, Rich | Love You Forever Rich Zellner 1934-2005 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 124 | Bur Oak |
Zinco, Elio | In Memory of Elio Zinco 1999 | Juilfs Section 6 | 657 | Lowland Hackberry |
Zins, Peggy | In Loving Memory of Peggy Zins 1935-2022 | Beech Acres Section 1 | 141 | American Sweetgum |
Zuske, Alice | In Loving Memory of Alice Zuske 1947 - 2013 For All Our Great Walks | Juilfs Section 2-3 | 218 | Silver Maple |