W. M. Johnson Hills Park
**Due to parking and restroom limitations, permits will not be available through 2025 for the general public for the fire ring and/or events. Some resident based scout troop activities may be considered contact the Office 513-474-0003.**
W. M. Johnson Hills Park is a 140-acre park that currently consists of rolling hills and wooded terrain. The community is fortunate to have this land secured as a park for future generations!
The natural-surface hiking trails are marked; please stay on the trails. Dogs must be held on a 6′ leash; please use the provided “mutt mitts”. A public, portable restroom is available near the main parking lot.
Another unique aspect of Johnson Hills Park is the past residence of William McNeilan Johnson and his wife Marian B. Johnson.
Park Pictures Gallery
Click on the photo for additional images.
Hours of operation
Dawn to dusk
140.0 acres
Opening Date
Johnson Hills Park was opened to the public in September, 2007.
William McNeilan Johnson Hills Park became part of the Anderson Park District in June of 2000. The acquisition of this property was made possible by a variety of means: a generous donation from Marian B. Johnson (the previous owner of the property), a partnership with Great Parks of Hamilton County, and the sale of bonds by the APD to secure the remaining funding.